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i'm granting permission (begging) for anyone into darker themes to send fucked up evil and concerning requests, like, the kind that need trigger warnings, alongside the cute & wholesome ones,,,, i think it's no secret that i adore drawing happy & healthy lewds, buuut...all comfort and no hurt is not my MO. i need my blorbos scared sometimes, y'know?

i'll put the answers on a private twitter or something so they'll only be seen by the people who want some Whump(tm).


CuriousCat - twigglezone

CuriousCat is a Q&A social network that allows you to connect with your followers and know new people.



Oh boy….you opened a floodgate for all of us (Time to traumatize the blorbos 😊)


Ohhh well then, it that's what you want, I'm sure we can provide!