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...she'll get it right (like 40% of the time)




40% of the time it works… every time 😏

James Corck

Aw Ori. She just does her best, alright!?


I guess Ori forgot to read the fine details... again ^^;


lol, my guess was like half-right. But, if you think about it, that might actually serve as a fire-resistance buff.


I guess you can say that ori didn't keep her cool ...get it?

John Doe

Nothing fire won't fix.


It would, if they fought a fire monster. (and if they are willing to take the SLOW status)


Lol the dragon laughing at them XD . Also, orinette may not be able to join the other quest for an while after that... for injury reason. Cause of those injury? Probably Rory...

Cameron Johnson

Don't worry because with enough practice and push-ups that 40% will become 45%! I believe in her!!


Got a good chuckle out of this, great adventure dogs all of them. Poor Orinette, I love her she looks as pleased as that monster later on and then just deflated. Just….don’t cast anything fire based to fix it no matter how logical it seems. By the looks of Rory that ice will melt from sheer annoyance in short order.


She got it! that 5% is going to be hell to achieve, but she'll get it


Orinette is definitely the knowledge type than the "application" type