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Kind of a vent-art thingy. Things have been super rough over the course of several months, but I know good things lie ahead. Just gotta keep moving forward <3

Anyone who's been feeling the same, know that you're not alone and you can get through this! Don't give up and don't lose hope <3 



Timber Mt. Twister

A good way of looking at life, things are tough now and then but things have a way of working out. Some things take longer to heal but while you run into troubles and stress, it's reassuring knowing you're never truly alone. You have people that love and care for you and you're a bright beacon of hope in your own right, Cider. You got this!

Tona Kuma

We are so hopeful for you and you have been such a great source of inspiration for so many of us both artistically and at rising to overcome life's obstacles. Such a great peice both emotionally and technically!