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Hello! I'm back!

My account was temporarily suspended because I forgot to update some paperwork.

Thank you for hanging around until I got that resolved!

....I know it's been a while since I've posted, but I haven't been doing nothing.

I really want to do more video game stuff, and I have some really cool 3D-in-the-Browser technology that I've very laboriously made and want to show off, and I've been designing, redesigning, re-redesigning, abandoning, and then starting again on various ideas.

I think I may have come close to complete decision paralysis a few times.

....Fortunately, to drag me out of that, I'm also taking part in Surody's Official TG Animation Contest!


The deadline for that is a bit over a month away, and we're supposed to keep stuff under wraps until then, but I'll be dropping a few of my work-in-progress screenshots in the meanwhile.

I want to do a good job on my entry, so I'm working particularly hard on that.

...Anyway, that's my belated update.

See you again soon.


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