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(Hello, I'm hard at work on exciting new video stuff. Here's a story I wrote quite a while back inspired by the writer Tainted Sins 'HyperTech' series of stories. These were about a near-future world where artifacts of a reality-altering technology has started to become mysteriously available to various disgruntled loners. In keeping with their tone, it's pretty dark and messed up with a variety of weird transformations)

A school building. 

New - Squat, ugly, concrete. 


Built something like a prison. People used to say that schools were designed to train the next generation of mindless office drones. Train them to sit up straight and listen and obey the buffoon at the front.

What were schools like this built to teach?


The lines of silently resigned students wait at the doors. Spread their arms for the metal detector. Put their bag on the conveyor. Get frisked. Vaguely wonder what all those X-rays are doing to their iPod. Or lunch.

...Could you lose songs and/or get cancer that way?

Amber has been heard to hint both in that conspiratorial tone of hers, and everyone listens to Amber - Don't believe, but listen. 

It's about the tits, I suppose. They get people's attention, but lose their respect. 

Not that Amber had really noticed that yet.

Amber isn't really important to this story.

Kenny Snyder is.

Kenny is that one-in-a-million kid that this Orwellian nightmare was set up to catch - that kid that it never catches. The machines all work well enough, I suppose. A teenager of very average intelligence might have to loosely ponder for an hour or two to work out how to beat them.

Kenny is either smarter or dumber than that, though.

He sees the fundamental flaw. 

The bored rent-a-cop steps forward and frowns with a moment of confusion and vague annoyance that Kenny isn't doing what the thousand kids before him did - doesn't place his bag where he should, doesn't lift his arms to be scanned with those ubiquitous dull plastic boxes. The ones that smell like cheaply moulded plastic and detect the spark of that fearsome, fearsome Tech...

Kenny is that one-in-a-million that has haunted the fat guard's screaming nightmares for the years since he took this job. The one that his mother and friends have in mind when they mention one of those past incidents and laugh nervously, as if to lightly ridicule the very idea that they might be WORRIED...

The Tech is tiny, really. Fits spider-like cozy right in his sweaty little palm. 

Like a jewel shot through with little wires and sparks. 

He shows it to the guard. Just for a moment, he flashes the sparks suddenly rushing so so busy through the glass heart of the thing...

The guard's eyes. His mouth. He really looks so very funny for the shortest moment.

Kenny chuckles, both then and later, at the thought of that face.

It's not really relevant but the guard's name was Neal. His colleagues, the ones who were too busy frisking fat kids and carefully handling rich girl's designer bags to ever see the hypertech, were called Phillip and Levi.

They're gone now.

The machines aren't working.

Everybody blinks and wonders why they're waiting when there are never guards there. When the machines have never worked. Todd Baker checked once - and no-one believed him until Courtney Smith looked too - but the casings of all those machines are just stuffed full of nothing but dildos.

Huge rubber black ones. God knows why, there's all kinds of conspiracy theories. They keep sneaking a few out and planting them in girls' and probably-gay kids' bags. It's fucking hysterical.

Kenny joins the rest of the kids in filing into the unprotected fortress-school...

Somewhere distant, a woman - 61. Pregnant. Wearing what might be a tent. Nothing else could possibly cover her vast, wobbling stomach. She's not fat, she's quite trim for a pregnant lady. Her stomach is so much bigger than she is. 

Pregnant. Proudly pregnant. Proudly 431-months pregnant.

She and her husband have had a lot of time to talk it over and prepare. They think they'll call the baby 'Neal' if it's a boy or 'Jade' if it's a girl.

'Oh look, honey!' she calls out, putting down her knitting. 'It's kicking! The baby is kicking!'

Her bowed, greyed husband's head appears around the door. Sees his grotesque wife's massive abdomen writhe and squirm horrifyingly on its forklift.

...Almost as if something was trying madly to get out. Trying to force the fluids from its useless lungs in a scream.

'Phillip' if it's a boy, 'Cindy' if it's a girl...

'Levi' if it's a boy, 'Barbara' if it's a girl...

How precious!

Kenny grins as he walks down the hall. People are dimly aware of his attitude change.

Not that they really notice him, but... Isn't he normally quiet and withdrawn? Keeps to himself? (That's what they'll all say)

They can't trust sudden happiness from one such as him.

A few might momentarily allow themselves to suspect and shudder, but only Heather sees the thing in his hand. 

Sharp eyes that one. Wouldn't expect it behind those coke-bottle lenses or under that limp ditch-water hair.

She opens her mouth to scream, her eyes looking even more grotesquely wide than usual. 

The slightest motion of the hand, nothing more.


Leonard Richardson on the other side of the school twitches for a moment, but isn't sure why. There was a momentary flash behind his eyes, as if of a geeky, acne-ridden girl's face distorted in horror...

He never thinks of it again.

But, just sometimes, in particularly deep dreams, he thinks he sees a girl that he recognises from somewhere. Coke-bottle lenses. Limp ditch-water hair. Dressed like a geek at school.

She always looks desperately at him, as if there was something she was frantic to tell him, as if she wanted to beg him for something...

All the cocks down her throat, all the boys thrusting so energetically into her orifices and spraying her with their impossible jets of cum.

The kind of thing that might happen to an unprotected girl stranded in the deepest parts of an averagely perverted porn-conditioned subconscious. The kind of thing that she might learn to love.

...Then she twitches and shudders, glasses knocked askew by a spray of thick gloopy splooge, her eyes rolling back to the whites as she starts to cum so very, very hard...

Kenny is in class now. Sitting up straight for once, too.

Cruel miracles will never cease.

He waits until the teacher gives him one of her glares. Until his grins at the sexy girls and studly boys are returned with dirty, nose-crinkling looks...

He does it then.

George Lewis. The chess geek in the corner, silently moving and licking his lips in time to the mental calculations he's doing for his exercise book (Why wait when you can do your homework in class? I mean, it's not like it's HARD. Haaaa-di Haaaaa-di Haaaaaaaaa!)

He's the first one to notice.

His tongue hits a little patch of cum still on his lips. He pauses. His mouth tastes so strongly of it. It's from when he blew Karl Ward - that fucking stallion - behind the bike sheds 20 minutes earlier.

He remembers it so clearly: Karl grabbing at his hair as he looked up adoringly and deep-throated that marvelous veiny cock with a porn-star level of skill. It didn't come easy (Haaaa-di Haaaaaa-di! Haaaaaaa!), he'd been doing it since he was 14. He'd sucked off half the boys in school and, one time, his uncle (They'd both been super drunk), and he wasn't a one-trick-pony either - his ass was so loose from the number of cocks he'd had up there. His muscles were so good, people who didn't know him as the school slut sometimes asked if he was a virgin (Okay, that only happened once, and then it was possible the guy might have been being sarcastic, but still...)

George swallowed heavily, unconsciously and unsuccessfully trying to get rid of the taste. Karl blinked at him and blushed slightly and the two quickly broke gaze. 

It suddenly seemed a bit odd that he'd been on his knees sucking off Karl... To say nothing of all the others... 

The orgies after the games, the boys jazzed up on success or failure, teased to perfection already by the expert wiggling of his ass under his tiny cheerleader skirt, his underwear invisible or absent, his neckline so low...

Wayne Ford had once cum behind the bleechers from just watching him lower his top and then poking at the pasty barely-hairy flesh of his incredibly flat chest.

...The chest that he'd taken soooo many photographs of, photographs that had created such a sensation on the internet and among the boys that he'd sent them to (basically all of them).

...And why had he needed to do THAT to Mr. Christensen to get a passing grade in Math? Wasn't he good at math?

George suddenly felt self-conscious in his slutty little skirt (g-string top poking up high above it) and sluttier little top (push-up bra clearly visible). He pulled his high-heeled feet in under him and tried to cover up a bit.

...It was completely ridiculous, of course, but he wasn't even sure that he LIKED boys...

Across the classroom, Tiffany Potter - a girl oddly conservatively dressed considering her incredible body, glanced quickly at George Lewis and Arnold Miles. George was a real skank but she still loved to dream of boning him... In fact, she'd always felt that 'Screw-us Lewis' was probably her best shot at losing her virginity before the end of high school.

She pouted a bit at the thought. Recently she and Simon had made a pact to lose their mortifying virginity before sun-up.

But they'd ended up just getting drunk and Simon had puked all over her and scared away the girls... Not that they'd seemed really into it anyway.

She stole another look at Arnold - God, what an Angel! Head of the cheerleaders and so impossibly sexy.

It struck her for a moment that something didn't seem quite right, but then the thought vanished beneath another wave of wishing that she was in her room with some lotion and porn and imagining that the top-heavy sluts getting reamed were some of these stuck-up cheerbitches.

Her virgin pussy twitched just at the thought.

God, it was SO embarrassing to be a virgin at her age - she hadn't even seen tits yet! She and Simon had talked about sneaking into the girl's changing room somehow, but they both knew it was just shit talk.

...Once again, something didn't feel quite right...

If she was honest, and she never was, the closest she'd got to a real girl was the time she'd hidden under the bleachers and jerked off while she watched the cheerleaders practice.

GOD, the things George could do with his ass...

...Many of them were confused, of course, but how could they understand that the sexual histories of everyone in that class had been swapped around randomly only a moment before...

Such a thing would only be possible with hypertech.

Good little Britney in the third row's eyes moved hungrily to Chad's ass. She unconsciously licked her lips at the triumphant memory of the previous weekend when she had FINALLY convinced that little prude to give it up. 

She'd had to get him a bit drunk first. Just a bit.

Gotten him away from his frigid friends.

She surreptitiously laid a hand to her crotch and gently rubbed as she remembered popping his cherry.

The six-foot-eight linebacker on his knees on the bed, making little whimpering noises as the tiny five-foot blonde girl thrust and grunted his virginity away. 

'Yeah, bitch! Yeah, TAKE IT!' she'd snarled, pulling his hair. 'Yeah! Yeah! YEAH! You LOVE that, don't you, you slutty little tease?'

She hadn't been gentle, but clearly Chad had liked that... at least judging from his final pop-eyed sequels of ecstasy.

Britney had laughed SO hard. 

A few days later she'd approached him at school and now they were 'Going steady'. Chad still had a lot to learn about pleasing a girl - especially one as demanding as Britney - but past his little snivels as she bent him over her knee and spanked his slutty ass, as she grabbed him and fucked him roughly and called him her little bitch, she could tell that he liked it rough.

Just like he liked it hard up the ass.

Britney grinned.

Dylan dropped a hand to his belly.

...Was... Was the baby kicking again?

They'd told him that it would start to do that about five months in - and here he was at six.

They'd said it in that disapproving way of theirs. Older ladies who loved to talk about this kind of thing, but whose enthusiasm warred in his case with their disapproval. 

He blushed again.

A teenage mother - him!

His parents had been so disappointed! They'd always raised him well. 

Well enough that they hadn't thought he'd needed PROTECTION... and he'd been too embarrassed to ask.

Not that he'd been really planning to... to...

It had just happened!

Happened with him and Suzie. 

The moment had just seemed perfect... and it had been. It had been PERFECT!

Even after everything, he still thought back to it with a smile.

Even after he'd realised what his missed period meant.

Even after Suzie had wanted nothing to do with it.

He sighed and put a hand to his bump. He'd probably have to drop out of school soon.

Live the Teen Mom cliche.

He'd probably end up a waitress at that shitty little diner around the corner from his...

But it was too soon to be thinking about that.

He was trying to take things a day at a time. 

A day at a time...

He noticed Angela watching, that catty look on her face, and scowled and blushed simultaneously.

It was hard being a pregnant boy.

The bell had rung and people had rushed to their next class, now only Tommy was left, rushing to his locker so that he wouldn't be any later to his History class.

He thought he heard someone coming up behind him, and then...

He groaned as he fapped away at his painfully erect dick. He threw his head back and gasped. 

God it felt so good! The way that it always does after you've laid off masturbation for a while and then grab some lotion and just GO FOR IT.


It was really loud, his hand pumping away. His cock was a rod of steel.

'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGHHHHHHHH...' He said, his tongue flapping out, his eyes half closed.

'Oh, I'm sorry - you look busy', the voice in his ear said. 


Tommy's eyes flickered. Suddenly it occurred to him that he was naked and beating it in the school corridors. That seemed unusual.

'Unnnnnnnnnnngggggg....' he replied.

The voice laughed.

'Nice to see you're having fun' 

Yes. Tommy thought - he WAS having fun.

'... But tell me, what do you think about? Come on, what's the sickest, naughtiest fantasy that you like to beat it to?'

Tommy groaned again, vaguely surprised with himself that he was able to pay the voice attention at all given the pleasure burning through him... or perhaps that he felt no need to stop despite someone standing right there.

His mind was a touch distracted, really.

'Come on...' the voice repeated, and this time Tommy felt a compulsion to reply.

'Unnnnnnnnnnngggggg....' he tried. 'AAaaAnnnnnnng... Butt... Butt stuff' he finally managed to gasp.

The voice laughed really loud that time. Tommy briefly thought that it sounded vaguely familiar.

'Oh, that's hardly very novel, Tommy... Go on, tell me something you're into that's FUCKED. Everyone has that one weird fetish'

The voice was right, of course. Tony felt a moment of shame at having disappointed it.

'Nggg... Girls...' he said. 'Hot girls and their mothers. Fucking. NggghhGGggg. And she's all like... and...'

Tommy's face reddened even further. His hand was a blur.

He'd have a real chafing problem soon enough.

The voice chuckled. 

'Huh, I can see that that DOES get you hot... Good choice'

Tommy wasn't really listening any more, he was just imagining those little sluts and their...

He gaped.

It was like a wave of coldness had rushed through him all of a sudden. He felt his cock being yanked hard out of his hand. He gave a little mew of frustration and grabbed for it again. 

It wasn't there.

It had seemed strange, because his hand hadn't moved at all, but his cock had still somehow gotten away... and now he was reaching down between his legs, grabbing, but all he could find was air.


The tingle of his cock was still there somewhere, he reached for it and...

It was just a tiny little nub. He could only touch it with one finger at a time, and the finger felt sticky and wet. It was as if he somehow felt like he had to reach INSIDE himself to touch it. The little button burned as he rubbed it, but it wasn't enough, wasn't enough...

His sound of agonised frustration sounded higher pitched than he'd expected.

The voice laughed again, louder. It sounded further away now. 

What was happening... why couldn't he...?

A pair of hands suddenly reached around. Someone was hugging him tightly from behind.

Not the voice person, sometime new.

He could feel the warmth of their flesh and knew that they were as naked as he was... their bare flesh pressing into his. The lips were so close to his ear that he felt his ear canal moisten with their breath as they began to speak.

'Ooooooooooohhh... It looks like my little girl has a tiny little problem...'

'M... MOMMY...?' Tommy squealed. There was something very wrong with his voice.

'Shush, little baby - you're all grown up now...' the sexy whisper continued. Tommy really didn't like the thought of his mother speaking to him that way. A hand reached up and softly brushed the hair from his neck. More and thicker hair than should be there.

Vaguely, Tommy felt his hair shift down his neck, down his back, down on his ass... he'd never felt his own hair brushing against his ass before...

'ALL grown up...' that husky whisper came from so close to his ear. He felt the hand with its long sharp nails on his belly, felt it gently trace its way upwards, past his waist, his tight midriff, over the edge of his ribcage, and...

He gasped. Loudly. Moist lips parted.

The hand grabbed at something heavy on his chest. Two somethings. Firm, rounded, fleshy, out-thrust somethings.

He tried to squeeze a word past his parted, plumped lips. The hand quickly and cruelly pinched at a nipple as large and hard as a marble. 

His speech died in a peep.

'Such a BIG girl...' the whisper in his ear breathed.

He tried to speak again, but the other hand had made its way down between his legs. 

'Ohhh... Does mommy's big girl have a little problem?' 

There was a kind of carnivorous mockery in it now.

It laughed along with the more distant boy's voice.

The sharp fingernail traced something.

Tommy gasped loudly.

'Mommy! Mommy, no...!'

The breathing in his ear was harsh, excited now. The voice a MILF stereotype: 'Hush, baby - let Mama show you this...'

Tommy made a breathy little noise that rose as the finger penetrated him, slipped inside him, slipped deeper, and deeper...

'Unnnnnnnnnnngggggg!' the sexy naked girl with huge innocent eyes said as she pushed back into the encircling arms of her sluttily sexy mother.

'OH OH OHHHHH!' she continued as she began to reflexively bounce her hips against that tickling hand...

Her back was arched, her hands grabbed at her long, long hair, her perky cheerleader tits bouncing with every deep, body-wracking breath...

'Ooooooooooo, Mommy!' she squealed in her childlike voice. 'Ooooooooooooooooooooooo, MOMMY...!!!! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!'

Behind her, her Mommy smirked lustfully and reached up to grab at one of those perfect bouncing tits.

'Motherfucker...' she breathed.

As it turned out, her big little girl was quite the screamer.

... Even before her mommy spread the bouncing cheeks of her little bubble butt and plunged a finger up there. 

It seems Tommi was really into butt stuff.

The principal bumped into Kenny right outside his office.

Bumped into him almost literally. The gruff old man scowled down. 

It was almost as if this stupid kid had been deliberately sneaking up on him. 

"...And do you have a hall pass?" He demanded, in his familiar-to-every-single-student severe tone. His I'm-very-serious-and-cross-and-this-is-NOT-a-game tone.

The snot-nosed little kid grinned. Actually grinned.

Distantly, the principal considered that this was probably not a good sign.

ESPECIALLY not with a weird little one like this. THIS was one of the type they had drills for. 

His frown deepened, but he dismissed the thought.


The kid shook his head, still grinning. Cruelly.

"...And why aren't you in class?" The principal continued, drawing himself up to his full height.

The kid shrugged.

"I don't know," he smirked. "Why aren't you?"

It wasn't even a joke. The principal opened his mouth...

"...After all, you're a teenage girl" the dumb kid continued. God, his smirk was somehow getting even worse. "You're younger than I am. You're just a little teenage girl" 

The principal's omnipresent scowl now had a heavy element of confusion. 


"You're. A. Young. Girl." 

Something occurred to him. Some fragment of memory.

Oh! OH! He was! He WAS a teenage girl!

He could remember it all so clearly! He'd just been in Mrs Roberts' English class, boredly pretending to take notes, silently fantasising about Travis Smith asking him to the dance...

Oh... OH!

The teenage girl gasped.

Why... Why wasn't she in History class? It was this period! 

She was pretty behind and... AND WHAT IF THEY HAD ANOTHER POP QUIZ!!!?!!

She made a little concerned sound and scrambled to leave... But...

"Y-you!" She suddenly said to the older boy. "YOU did this!" 

He laughed. REALLY laughed this time.

"Yep!" He gloated, lifting and opening his palm to show her...

Oh! OH! What was... Was that... Was that one of those...?


He smirked at the look on her face.

"You should have just left," he said smugly. "Because now you're naked. You're naked in school"


She WAS!

She was totally NAKED!

She gasped and clutched at her developing teenage curves.

Her nipples were very pink and hard in the cool air. Her breasts were very perky and just a little bit assymetrical. She didn't shave her pubes.

She tried to hide as much as she could with her little hands. She looked up, the boy's smirking eyes were roaming across her whole body!

She blushed beat red. She opened her mouth to scream...

"You've ALWAYS been naked" he said.


"You've NEVER worn clothes. Not once. In your entire life"

She... She... She remembered.

OH! She'd... She'd NEVER worn any clothes!

She'd ALWAYS been naked! 

She remembered always blushing, her blush spreading across her bare body. You'd think that she would eventually cease to be embarrassed by it... But she never did.

Walking naked to school, feeling the cold wind on her bare ass. Sitting naked in class, the boys 'sneakily' pondering her nude breasts. They'd all learned about female puberty from not-so-stealthily observing her development. The spreading and darkening of her nipples, the swell of her hips...

It was worse now!

Worse now that she was older! 

People whistled from cars and jeered her on the street! 

Some people seemed shocked and outraged - old ladies were the WORST - but those who knew her would just roll their eyes.

"Oh," they'd say dismissively. "That's the NAKED girl..."

Oh no! OH NO!


The naked girl gasped and her little hands flapped about in pointless feminine panic as she stood naked in the school corridor... Just as she did every day.

The boy was laughing again.

"You wear stripper heels" he said.

She DID!

She was wearing them now! 

Huge, six-inch Perspex platform heels. She always had to take the tiniest steps! And it made her ASS stick out EVEN MORE! And her boobies JIGGLE even MORE!

She looked up at the boy.

"Y-you have to stop this..." She said, screwing up all her courage. "...Y-you... Y-you're not ALLOWED to..."

He continued smoothly.

"You always walk on your hands" he said. 


"You ALWAYS walk on your hands... You never even learned to walk with your legs"



She was upside down, naked and balanced awkwardly on her hands, her hair pooled on the floor and her big silly stripper slut heels wobbling in the air.

She walked on her hands. She'd ALWAYS walked on her hands!

She'd never even learned to use her legs!

It was so hard, always being upside down, to hide her vagina and her asshole. They were so easily visible... Her mother had always trained her to try to be a modest little girl... Try to keep your legs together as you pad and wobble along on your hands! But it was so hard sometimes! Sometimes to keep her balance, she had to...

She shrieked.

She remembered unsteadily slapping her way down the sidewalk, people staring in disbelief. The sound of incredulous laughter...

Upside down and nude and wobbling into school every morning, people trying to look down at her face where it bobbed just above the floor without glancing at the almost exposed pussy she was pointing right at their face.

It had been hard enough even before her hips had gotten big and she'd developed that thigh gap...

She'd tried to use a backpack a few times, but even specially modified, it just made balancing so hard! These days she carried it like she carried her purse - trying to keep it tucked between her knees as they swayed above her, constantly dropping it onto her face and going sprawling...

The naked girl doing a handstand in the corridor screamed.

The boy laughed even harder.

She turned, unsteadily as always, and tried to pad away from him. Tried to escape.

She was WAY too slow.

"You have HUGE fake titties!" He called after her.



She remembered getting them done! H-cups! She'd INSISTED!


They bobbled and bounced now ludicrously as she desperately tried to hand-walk away. 

Gravity always pulled them down to bobble almost against her chin - huge slut-torpedos of hilarious pornstar silicone jiggling in her own face!

She couldn't see people's faces when she handstood near them - she was always just staring up into her own eternally blobbing titties. Most people didn't even know what her face looked like - you could barely ever see it!  

The boy was almost doubled over with laughter now, watching her trying to improbably progress down the corridor - away from him! 

Every hand-step set her porn starlet boobies bouncing and jiggling hard enough to risk slapping her in the face, hard enough that she had to desperately wave each of her stripper-heeled legs to fight to keep her balance for one more jiggly step. 

He was laughing so hard that she thought she might actually get away.

She turned to look back at him.

"You... You made me RIDICULOUS!" She said accusingly, her right nipple wiggling energetically in the air. 

He let her get far enough away that she might start to think she was safe, before...

"Hey..." He suddenly called out to her, calmly. 

She stopped, tried to half-turn.

Her hair was falling across half her face. The shadow of her monstrous rack hiding much of the rest. 

He could still see the look of worry, the way she was girlishly biting her lip.

"Your name is Vulva Areola" he said, before doubling over in laughter again.

Vulva Areola made a little sound, turned and was finally able to wobble unsteadily around the corner of the hall.

A few girls at their lockers looked up, saw her, and rolled their eyes in mockery.

...But then, Vulva Areola - the naked girl with the ridiculous silicone titties and stripper heels who walked everywhere on her hands and was always wiggling her bare coochie in clear view was very used to that kind of thing.

Something noticed something was amiss, eventually.

The police were called. Lockdowns were enacted.

Kenny tried to hold things up as much as he could. He certainly had great fun in one or two locked-up classrooms.

But eventually they sent in the SPECIAL squad.

The one they reserved for HyperTech cases like this one. 

Kenny had been the one to end it, after all that.

He'd erased himself entirely. Not even his name remained.

A common enough end these days.


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