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By Wyrdey

"So... Obviously, I hate you." Randy said comfortably to Chet.

He had approached him abruptly and unprompted in the school locker room. 

Chet was rather taken aback, for several reasons. Not just at his forthrightness, but because he really didn't remember ever interacting with Randy much at all.

Randy was in a completely different social strata, how could he not be?

The amazing, sexy, movie-star handsome, and occasionally movie-star employed, Randy.

Chet was kind of a meathead and kind of a bully, but obviously he'd see someone like Randy as being above 'Easy Target' status, even if he hadn't known who he was.

If it was possible not to know who he was.

"... Now, I know you have no memories of any of our little 'Encounters', how could you...? Technically, they never even happened, due to THIS"

He flashed a rather ornate golden ring in Chet's face.

It looked kind of fruity to be entirely honest... Not that Chet would dream of saying such a thing, even after certain recent revelations about Randy's feelings about him.

"... But the important thing is that *I* remember them all... And so I hate you" Randy continued smoothly. "Now as part of my general 'Improvements', I've gotten a lot of revenge on a LOT of people, but I really hate you so much, that I wanted to do something... I don't know? Special? For you" 

Randy gave Chet an odd look. Almost as if he expected him to feel honoured by this revelation. 

Chet just felt even more confused.

"... And so I've left you unchanged for, to be honest, much MUCH longer than I ever imagined that I would. 

I REALLY wanted something... I don't know... More ELABORATE than all of my standard Bimbo Slut Cheerleader Whore transformations. It really tormented me, you know? Like for days now"

Randy gave Chet another one of those odd looks, this one as if he was expecting sympathy.

"...But then, last night, after I'd fucked the Twins to sleep finally, I was lying there in the darkness and SUDDENLY it just hit me! I suddenly remembered something you said to me once! Well - to be entirely honest, a lot more than once! A kind of a figure of speech! And it all fell into place!"

Randy gave Chet one more odd look, this one almost grateful.

"...And now I know! I know EXACTLY what to do with you! And, really, it's all thanks to you!"

He looked at Chet, expectantly.

The silence lingered.

"So what's the deal with that fruity ring?" Chet finally got over his surprise enough to blurt out.

Randy laughed.

"Oh, it's a Magic Ring." He said, matter of factly. "It's responsible for all of this, really. It makes everything I say TRUE, if I apply enough force of will as I say it"

Chet thought that sounded even fruitier than he'd thought.

"So..." Randy said, clasping a hand onto Chet's shoulder. "My old tormentor... Is there anything else you'd like to say? You know, before we begin?"

Chet stared at him blankly for a bit.

"Fair enough," Randy said smoothly, standing back and meaningfully fingering his ring.

"Chet..." He began. "You're a Princess"

There was a moment of silence.

Chet was never the brightest one, but the oddity of recent events was really starting to catch up with even HIS sluggish brain.

"What..." He began, but Randy cut him off.

"You're a Princess, Chet. A real one. You're a pretty pretty little Princess!"

Chet wasn't sure whether to laugh or run from the clearly and incredibly crazy man... But then...

"I'm..." He said, with a sudden note of real uncertainty in his voice. "I'm..."

"A Princess. A pretty pretty little Princess."

That was ridiculous, of course. Anyone would laugh, really. 

So... So why did... 

"I'm a..." He said again, genuinely confused.

He... His... Why did that sound... 

It seemed almost... Almost RIGHT.

He could almost... Did he remember...

"I'm a Princess?" Chet repeated uncertainly.

"Oh yes," Randy agreed, nodding enthusiastically. "You're a pretty pretty little Princess"

"I'm a Princess" he said...

And then he glanced down.

Glanced down into the youthful cleavage escaping from his pink, off-the-shoulder satin gown. A gown with billowing, voluminous skirts. Skirts lifted by the layers and layers of petticoats he was wearing. Skirts lined with the finest lace and decorated with little bows and flowers. The kind of skirts that make walking difficult. The kind of ridiculous skirts that could only really be pulled off by a silly fairytale princess.

A Princess like him. A pretty pretty little Princess.

"I'm a PRINCESS!" He gasped, elegantly. "I'm... I'm a pretty pretty little Princess!" 

He could feel the weight of his dainty little tiara, the tickle of the golden blonde ringlets down his back, the weight of his ridiculous fairytale princess gown.

...But then, wasn't that all normal? 

After all, he WAS the pretty pretty little Princess Chet!

Randy laughed now, and clapped his hands like an excited little child.

Chet just gaped, prettily. And daintily.

He lifted a delicate little Princess hand to his round little rosebud Princess mouth. His dangling diamond-and-pearl earrings flashing, his creamy princess bosom heaving.

"You are Princess Fellatia of the small Central European nation of Slutovia"


"You're Princess Fellatia"

"Oh!" Princess Fellatia said sharply. "I'm Princess Fellatia of the small Central European nation of Slutovia" 

"Princess Fellatia of the Suxe-Coxburg Dynasty, ancestral rulers of Slutovia"

"The Suxe-Coxburgs have ruled Slutovia for centuries!" Princess Fellatia agreed, nodding. "And I'm... I'm Princess Fellatia Suxe-Coxburg of Slutovia"

She stopped suddenly, biting her lip and blushing in a appropriately fetching, Princess-y way.

One of her little hands moved up to fiddle with the jewel-encrusted pendant dangling just above the swell of her corseted bosom, as it always did when she was distracted.

Wasn't... Wasn't there someone named... Chad or Chet or something? 

Someone who was kind of big and muscular and dumb and mean and American and nothing like a pretty pretty little Princess like her at all? Wasn't he... Wasn't he...?

Oh, GOSH! It was just EVER SO confusing!

Randy was laughing and slapping his knee still. Princess Fellatia couldn't help but feel it was somewhat uncouth of a young man to stare at her and carry on that way...

BUT WAIT! She... She wasn't really a Princess at all! She wasn't Princess Fellatia!... That's a SILLY name! She was Chet! She could almost remember it entirely! And she was big and dumb and mean and... And Randy hated her for some reason! And... And...

"Oh!" Randy suddenly cut into her thoughts. "I almost forgot... Who are those two idiot friends of yours again? Anyway, they're here right now too"

They were, of course.

They were ignoring Randy and looking very oddly at the Princess instead.

"Princess... Felicia...?" One started.

"Fellatia. Princess Fellatia of the small Central European Nation of Slutovia" she corrected automatically. 

She seemed to have to do that quite often with Americans, for some reason.

"Princess... Fell... What are you doing in the boy's locker room?"


She slapped her hand back to her mouth.

What... Whatever WAS she doing in... It was MOST improper for...

"You're not worried about that" Randy said.

It was true. No one was really worried about that. 

"Princess Fellatia... Your two loyal ladies in waiting are here!"

They were?

She started to look around, but...

"They're HERE" he continued, pointing to the two dullfaced boys.

Well, obviously that couldn't be...

Everyone looked very confused.

"Your two loyal ladies in waiting are HERE..." He repeated. "They're both total sluts, of course"

"Of course!" Princess Fellatia repeated automatically.

"Of C..." The boys started to... To...

An odd memory suddenly surfaced for both of them.

Years of bouncing between the Finishing Schools of Slutovia, driving teachers mad as they tried to mould them into proper little ladies, but were always stymied by...

There they had been - standing once again in the fuming principal's office. They recognised expulsion was imminent yet again as they pouted and fidgeted in their little uniforms - shiny Mary-Janes and kneesocks and short, short little pleated skirts and crisply starched little blouses and smart blazers and straw hats and pigtails and...

They shook their heads for a moment, something about this didn't seem quite right, even as they remembered...

No bras, of course - Slutovia had outlawed such monstrous things decades ago! 

Their overdeveloped trollop titties had jiggled apologetically as they'd tried to explain... Explain once again why they'd been found on their knees, surrounded by...

Oh God! It just WASN'T FAIR! How was one supposed to be a GOOD little girl when cocks were just so... SO... SSSOOOOO....

Their nipples had been rock hard, poking into easy visibility as they were forced to recount the events... After a point, they'd simply given up, mouths visibly watering, and had started RUBBING themselves under their little school skirts.

They couldn't help it... THEY COULDN'T HELP IT!

They'd both been diagnosed - actual nymphomaniacs. One track minds. Literally OBSESSED with boys, with dicks, with cum...

They'd been drafted into employment with her highness - Princess Fellatia!

Their families had had something to feel proud about them finally!

Ladies in Waiting! To...

Fanny made a little sound deep in her throat as one of the regular twitches she felt in the delicate rosy lips, the plunging crevasses and soft folds of her overheated little pussy, broke her attention yet again.

What had she been...? Oh, it didn't matter.

She looked over at Other-Fanny... Yes, two actual nympho ladies in waiting, both called Fanny.

Everyone just called them 'The Fannies', and now the Fannies were looking around, slowly, hungrily taking in the ambience of the boys locker room... Maybe their favourite room ever.

Oh, the time they'd spent in rooms like this on their knees and backs and... 

It was enough to make them think about cock... But then EVERYTHING made them think about cock. 

Their pussies pulsed warmly and wetly yet again and they tried to suppress their little moans of desire, of hunger, of primal craving...

Yes, Princess Fellatia's two loyal ladies in waiting were total sluts, no one would deny it. 

Their dresses were ornate, ostentatious, by the standards of normal wear perhaps, but clearly and consciously designed to melt into the background beside the gloriousness of Princess Fellatia's overelaborate gowns - Fashion from a fairytale. Indeed, the girls themselves, utterly comely as they might be, would always fade from a man's attention when he was in the presence of the Princess.

The whorish teens' stares of burning desire, their constant biting at their lips as if to try to vainly contain their moans of naked NEED... They could somehow never compete against the wide-eyed girlishness, the almost painful feminity, the sweet innocence of her Highness - Princess Fellatia Suxe-Coxburg of Slutovia. 

Randy's satisfaction on examining The Fannies and their lustsick gazes had blunted somewhat as his stare had dropped a bit lower.

"Princess Fellatia..." He said now. "You have Big Tits"

The Princess blushed just to hear such rough language.

...And she didn't! Her... Breasts... Were perky and demure and everything that a princess's bosom should...

"You have BIG tits" he repeated.

...They were heavy and bouncy and EXTENSIVE... 

"You have HUGE tits"

Princess Fellatia stared down into the acre of soft, rounded, overflowing cleavage escaping from her gown.

"I have HUGE tits!" She whispered under her breath in something like surprise, and of course she did! So high, so impossibly perky and pert and gravity-defying for such a pair of WHOPPERS!

So round, her girlish nipples so outthrust and rosy! 

She knew that The Fannies sometimes called her 'Princess Watermelons' and giggled cruelly behind her back.

...And the worst part was... Her tits really WERE like watermelons!

They had something of that shape and size - it was impossible not to see it!

They were always jiggling, overflowing ludicrously from the delicate necklines of her gowns, her corset could only contain so much, as could her bustier! 

She was a tiny little bit self-conscious about it, to be entirely honest.

"You LOVE your huge tits!" Randy said with a smirk, not looking up from the flustered, wide-eyed Princess's struggling neckline.

"I LOVE my huge tits!" Princess Fellatia agreed instantly, colouring slightly from her rather vulgar choice of words.

...And, despite what some silly people seemed to think, huge ti... Um, BOSOMS... Weren't vulgar at all!

Why, everyone expected a pretty pretty little Princess like her to have perky high upstanding boobies just like a perfect pretty pretty Princess should - and she did! Her boobies were so very pert and high and stood up just perfectly! What made them even more amazing, is that they were so very very BIG! 

What other Princess could claim such an amazing, jiggly set of assets!

NONE, that's who!

She loved The Fannies' constant jealous little glances, the edge of disbelief in their stares JUST MADE IT EVEN BETTER!

...And they were no slouches in the chest department! They had been the biggest girls at all of their attempted Finishing Schools, but they simply could not compete with a perfect, pretty pretty Princess pair of watermelon knockers!

And, besides, they had more of those common, vulgar kind of big breasts - lower, heavier, sloppier, COMMONER... The breasts of an impressively endowed highschool slut, not a perfect little Princess like her!

Randy grinned again as Princess Fellatia proudly stood upright, chest outthrust and bouncing. The neckline of her gown now a panorama of overflowing teenage breast, compressed by its own attempted escape into a mouthwatering, gently jiggling mass of the perfectest rosy cleavage possible.

She unconsciously adjusted her pose to give him a better look. 

He grinned.

"...And they really suit you, because you're a bit of a bimbo"

Princess Fellatia - leaning forward JUST ENOUGH to show off her breasts to their best effect - almost frowned at that.

"I'm... I'm..."

"You're a bit of a bimbo" Randy repeated patiently.

"Oh - I'm a bit of a Bimbo!" Princess Fellatia repeated, nodding enthusiastically. She gave a little giggle that seemed to illustrate this new but undeniable fact.

"Everyone who knows you knows that you're a bit of a bimbo" Randy continued.

"EVERYONE knows! EVERYONE who knows me knows that I'm - well - I'm a bit of a Bimbo!" The Princess giggled again, her eyes shining with delightful enthusiasm. She bounced a bit on her toes like a happy little girl, her chest responding as you would expect.

The Fannies frowned, just slightly.

Randy was distracted for a brief moment, then:

"...But you take your duties as Princess very, very seriously"

Princess Fellatia looked genuinely shocked for a moment, as if astounded to learn that anyone could ever doubt such a thing.

"Oh! Oh, I do!" She said, bouncing again for emphasis. "I take my duties as Princess very seriously!" 

"You..." Randy began.

"I'm a bit of bimbo!" She ran on, nodding happily. "I'm Princess Fellatia Suxe-Coxburg of Slutovia! I have huge tits! I LOVE my huge tits and I'm a bit of a Bimbo even though I'm a pretty pretty little Princess!" She gabbled, her huge sky-blue eyes shining with her excitement.

"Yes", Randy assured her, nodding. "You are... and we're all in your palace in Slutovia right now"

"We're..." The Princess began happily, but then her face fell in confusion. 

Weren't they... Hadn't they been in a dirty locker room in America or something?

A BOY'S locker room?

She bit her lip delicately, looking around.

"We're all in your palace in Slutovia right now," Randy repeated. "In one of the public rooms you use for receiving foreign dignitaries"

The Princess started slightly.

Oh yes! Yes, OF COURSE!

THAT made FAR more sense!

"We're... We're in a palace in Slutovia... And... And... That other stuff!" 

They were too.

It was as ostentatious as a subject would expect from their Royal Family - Rococo furniture, much of it once belonging to Louis XV himself! Paintings of their esteemed Suxe-Coxburg forebears by the Old Masters... The finest carpets, gold leaf everywhere...

Yes. Yes! Princess Fellatia nodded to herself, her momentary confusion now utterly relieved. This made sense! Of COURSE she was here! With her ladies in waiting! In the reception room! Receiving... This lovely pretty man! 

It made complete sense!

She gave a stifled little giggle at her own girlish silliness in ever thinking otherwise.

"Now, of course," Randy said, lounging comfortably on a piece of antique furniture. "You know all of the great ancient traditions of Slutovia..."

Princess Fellatia nodded furiously, careful not to upset the tiny bone china cup of tea she was sipping from delicately. 

She DID! She knew them all! ALL of the great and important traditions of the Suxe-Coxburgs and of Slutovia! 

...Why! They say that that name originated in the second century, when a pretty pretty little Princess (JUST LIKE HER!) once fucked an entire invading army into exhaustion! She'd saved the entire kingdom and literally put Slutovia on the map! 

Kingdom of Sluts! The Principality of Big Titty Bimbofuck!


Randy continued "...And you of course know of the ancient tradition"

She nodded even more furiously.

She DID! She knew of the Ancient Tradition!

A tiny thought occurred to her:

What Ancient Tradition?

She gasped in horror. She... She knew the ancient tradition? Right?

She... She MUST!

She knew ALL of the Great and Ancient Traditions of Slutovia! She might be a bit of a Bimbo (everyone who knew her said that!), But she took her duties as Princess very VERY seriously! She was Princess Fellatia of the Suxe-Coxburg Dynasty! She was the pretty pretty little Princess of Slutovia, a small Central European Nation!

She would HAVE to know the Ancient Tradition!

...So... So....

Randy helped her "...The Ancient Tradition that every Princess, before she can truly begin her duties, must provide oral gratification for every single one of her male subjects of age"

Princess Fellatia blinked.


Randy continued: "...Now, Slutovia is a small Central European Nation with a population of barely a million... So if half of those are men, and you can reliably suck a cock every five minutes, eight hours a day, every day... That should take you less than fifteen years... 

You'll still be quite the MILF when you finish"

Princess Fellatia blinked again. Her little bone china cup frozen halfway to her mouth.

"...Though, of course, more people will be born and immigration is expected to pick up, and you also provide a similar service to visitors... So, all up, you'll likely end up sucking a million cocks"

Princess Fellatia Suxe-Coxburg made a strange little sound deep in her throat.

"...I... I'm...."

Randy grinned. "You're going to suck a million cocks"

"I'm... I'm..." 

"You are pretty pretty little Princess Fellatia Suxe-Coxburg of the small Central European Nation of Slutovia, and Ancient Tradition requires you to suck a million cocks... Your Highness"

Princess Fellatia suddenly started. 

"OH! I'm Princess Fellatia! Pretty Pretty Little Princess Fellatia of Slutovia! And I'm going to provide oral gratification for EVERY SINGLE one of my male subjects of age!" She declared proudly. "I'm probably going to suck a million cocks! I'll still be quite the MILF when I finish, too!" 

Randy laughed again, in that way of his. He didn't stop, but instead just laughed louder and louder.

Princess Fellatia sat there, smiling politely.

This visiting dignitary was a little bit strange perhaps.... But, then, maybe she just didn't understand - she WAS a bit of a Bimbo after all!

He finally laughed so loud he started to cough, and broke off to bite his fist until his mirth began to subside.

Smiling, Princess Fellatia looked over at The Fannies obediently bringing over a fresh tray of tea. Their boobies were bouncing quite fetchingly in their matching little uniforms.

She unconsciously thrust her own incredible cleavage out a little further.

Randy finally recovered and looked up, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.

"And Princess..." He said, hoarsely. "You begin your duties on the day you come of age"

Princess Fellatia nodded. EVERYONE knew that!

"... And, Princess... That's today!"

She paused again, looking back from where The Fannies had distracted her.

"...And... And...?" She finally said.

"...And that's today" Randy repeated. "I've been chosen to be your first"

"...And... And that's... That's..." Princess Fellatia almost frowned, and that was quite something for a perfect, pretty pretty little Princess like her.

"It's today!" Randy was nodding.




"T-that's..." The Princess gasped. "That's..."

The first flashbulb went off. Then another and another.

The world's media were assembled around them. Here, in this reception room in the palace of the Slutovian Royal Family.

The Princess was suddenly no longer sitting... Had never been sitting.

She could see her father, the king, beaming proudly as he was interviewed by one of the teeming throng of newscasters.

"GOING LIVE BY SATELLITE IN FIVE... FOUR... THREE..." Someone said loudly behind her. 

She turned and saw the huge screen that had been set up to track the broadcasts - both domestic and international. 

Worldwide interest was so intense.

"... Now, Mark" a very professional looking blonde newscaster was asking her correspondent via satellite link-up. "The Princess Fellatia is coming of age today, and will be sucking her very first cock in just a moment? Is that correct?"

"That's right, Jolene" the serious-faced man responded. "The Ancient Tradition of Slutovia requires Princess Fellatia to give oral gratification to every single one of her male subjects of age... She will probably end up sucking a million cocks, but will still be quite MILFY at the end."

Jolene nodded gravely.

"...Now it is known that the Princess takes her Royal Duties very seriously..."

"That's right, Jolene" Mark agreed. "Which may surprise some people, since everyone knows that she's a bit of a Bimbo"

The entire studio audience laughed and nodded along with that statement.

"That's right, Mark - EVERYONE who knows the Princess knows that she's a bit of a bimbo... The only thing she's better known for might be her Huge Tits"

Mark nodded his agreement. 

"Jolene, I have informed by reliable sources that Princess Fellatia LOVES her Huge Tits"

The blonde woman nodded. "Now, it might perhaps seem surprising to some that such a perfect pretty pretty little Princess like Princess Fellatia Suxe-Coxburg of Slutovia has such incredibly large slut titties, since this might seem inappropriate for such a precious little girly girl Princess like her. But I think we can all agree that - especially since everyone knows that she's a bit of a Bimbo - they seem to suit her perfectly. Perhaps because of how high and pert and perky they are? They are truly perfect Princess titties regardless of their ridiculous size"

Mark nodded dutifully at this obvious statement. 

"Now, moving onto the Princess and her duties as a happy little cocksucker..."

Princess Fellatia jumped as someone touched her shoulder.

Her mother smiled down at her.

"You look amazing, sweetie!" She said.

The Princess DID look amazing, too. All the stops had been pulled out for this moment of global attention. Hours of hair and makeup, untold thousands of dollars of regal outfits to put even her normal fairytale gowns to shame. Millions in jewellery. 

She was the purest distillation of youthful femininity, an avatar of girlish dreams. 

This was how she'd be remembered forever. 

Her portraits that would hang on the walls of Slutovian palaces forever would depict her in this moment - young, innocent, excited, dutiful, and just about to suck a huge cock while the world watched and cheered.

Fellatia suddenly remembered those other portraits hanging in the dining room, the ones she had grown up staring at and envying. The world famous paintings by Vermeer and Rembrandt, showing her forebears on their knees, resplendent in the fineries of their age, staring up dutifully with a cock in their rosebud lips, jizz escaping to splat wetly across their elegantly displayed bosoms.

The Old Masters could really capture that look of the WARMTH and STICKINESS of cum in a way that was difficult to even fully explain. They studied it in art schools around the world.

The Queen gave her overwhelmed little daughter the closest thing to a hug that the formality of the occasion and the Princess's ludicrously poofy gown would allow.

"Dear, I just want you to know how proud your father and I are of you. I know you're a bit of a Bimbo with huge silly tits, but you're so dedicated to your duties as Princess. I couldn't ask for a better daughter and Slutovia couldn't wish for a better little cocksucker than you."

Fellatia felt tears welling in her eyes. She quickly blinked them away to keep from ruining her elaborate makeup.

"Oh, Mother!" She said. "I couldn't have..."

There was a sudden roar from the assembled media of the world.

Princess Fellatia heard one of the Fannies sharply draw a breath.

She looked over.

HE had arrived.


...OH! She had seen this moment in her dreams ever since she was a little girl!

Her mother patted her hand. "I can tell how excited you are." She said indulgently. "I know you've looked forward to this day forever. Go and do it, Sweetie. Go and suck Slutovia proud!"

Fellatia turned quickly back to her.

"Oh I will, Mummy! I'll suck his dick just like you all taught me! YOU'LL SEE!"

Her mother dabbed a tear and rushed off to rejoin her husband.

Princess Fellatia looked back at her FIRST... He was an incredible man. 

They really had gone all out in finding the perfect specimen for her debut!

Randy Bloggs!

It had been SUCH an amazing media coup, of course... The global audience had already been obsessed with the ceremony, but the involvement of such an iconic celebrity had thrown things into a veritable fever pitch. 

Three movies were already in production. Two were already tipped to fight it out for Best Picture.

Princess Fellatia had became conscious of the speed of the beating of her heart, the heaving of her youthful but expansive bosom.

She took two deep breaths, and tried to calm herself.

Her tension gave her skin an even more delightfully delicate rosy blush than usual.

She suddenly became aware of the cameras focused on her.

"The Princess is taking a moment to calm and prepare herself" an intense whisper from a royal commentator observed beneath live footage of her blushing face and bosom. "This is the moment she has been preparing for her entire life... It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that everything she's ever done as a pretty pretty Princess and a girl who's a bit of a bimbo has LEAD directly to this moment..."

Oh God - it was starting!

The Slutovian national anthem played, a vast chorus of whores diddling themselves and working huge rubber dildos down their throats to truly perfectly capture its majestic wanton moans and deep, reverberating gurgles.

Princess Fellatia stood automatically to attention, chills running down her spine as they always did at the sound of her beloved anthem.

The ceremony was short by design.

Fellatia was conscious of more and more cameras focusing in. Drone cameras silently moving on rails across the ceiling were now pulling into position. 

Randy had a tiny camera transmitting live from his flybutton.


He was here now! He was taller than Fellatia had expected. She gave him a tight little smile. 

Oh GOSH, she felt like she was going to BURST!

The moment came.

She instinctively, with the experience of a lifetime, lifted the front of her gown with her tiny hands and approached him.

He had an odd smirk on his face that she didn't know quite what to make of.

She held her skirts and gave a deep curtsey.

Every single eye in the room sliding down the front of her melon-ous cleavage.

The Fannies appeared, carrying the traditional kneestool - a thousand years old at least! It had been refurbished countless times, including now, just for her - but you could truly see the weight of those years, all those pretty pretty little Slutovian Princesses and the almost unimaginable numbers of jizz-spurting cocks they'd pleasured.

...And, now, it was being placed for the first time in front of her! 

Princess Fellatia!

She dropped to her knees ceremoniously, trying to suppress the heaviness of her breathing, the blush of her face.

She looked up at him, her hand moving.... Moving to his...

Oh, she felt like Cinderella! Making the prince cum all over her face before midnight, as in the ancient Slutovian story!

Normally, of course, her whorish ladies in waiting would do much of the work - sucking men into hardness before her approach, and then jerking them expertly as they angled their cocks towards the Princess's open mouth. Her angelic face. Her huge tits.

The Ancient Tradition required that the seed of her subjects warm her royal Princess belly, but actual SUCKING - the hallowed touch of the Princess's soft and velvety lips, the warmth and wetness and quickness of her sweet little tongue, the unparalleled expertise of her technique - these would be reserved for nobility and VIPs.

...As the saying went: "Even a pauper may spurt on the Princess's titties, but only a few may fuck her throat"

Well, Randy - as her first - was DEFINITELY going to Fuck her Throat.

He bent down, suddenly. Down low enough to whisper without being heard.

"You remember it all, Chet" he said.

...And Chet did. 

He always had, really - somehow, underneath everything.

He still remembered being the big, dumb bully Chet - just as much as he remembered being the pretty pretty Princess Fellatia, paragon of pink, girlish dreams.

The cameras on the ceiling zoomed in now. In a thousand different TV studios, directors called to cut in real time between the angles from the side - showing the Princess on her knees, gown blossomed out around her - to the  tiny camera in Randy's flybutton - capturing her leaning in, her mouth parting - to the cameras on the ceiling - capturing the view just as Randy must have it.

A perfect little Princess panting on her knees before you, her sweet little head angled up, heartbreakingly beautiful eyes refusing to leave yours... Her young unnaturally beautiful face suspended from this angle over her own ridiculous, wobbling cleavage as she stares up in... What?

Randy's cock is out now, clasped in that delicate little Princess hand. 

There's a subtle murmur throughout the room, throughout the world.

He's fucking HUGE.

Huge enough even for a perfect little born cocksucker like Princess Fellatia.


Her head is still tossed back, her little gold and diamond and pearl earrings flashing in her shell-like ears, then her gaze drops for just a moment.

Down to the warm, soft-but-so-very-hard, still-somehow-expanding cock thrusting out at her, resting in her dainty little hand.

(It was at this moment that the television directors of the world cut to the flybutton cam)

She seemed to almost hesitate then.

To swallow, eyes bulging. 

Her little painted rosebud lips already parted with her panting, her lithe tongue moving slightly across her dry mouth.

The delicate brush of her warm breath across the sensitive tip of Randy's huge cock.

She looked back up - up from her first of a million cocks.

Her eyes were wide and filled with so many different things. 

This was the famous moment - the one from every single one of her portraits.

...And in just that moment before she greeted his cock with the expert embrace of her sweet lips, the gossamer touch of her girlish tongue as she took him into her pretty pretty little Princess mouth and throat and belly with billions watching, he leaned in again and said one final thing to the kneeling, panting, blushing girl:

"Suck it up, Princess"



This was superb. I would have liked to see Randy's time with Fellatia continue for a little bit further before the story ended however.