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(Here is something I wrote a while back and might extend later. I just couldn't decide after writing it if it worked better as the beginning of a story, or if I'd 'blown my wad' too soon and any more would just feel redundant. Tell me what you think)

You know the kinds of nonsense that old wizards say.

All that stuff about the (long vanished) times before their powers came in being 'The best of their lives' etc. etc. etc. Full of 'Moments that were thrillingly uncontrolled' and 'Humans who seemed almost like real, actual people with hopes and dreams, rather than silly little playthings for a moment's diversion'.

You know: Shit.

Everyone knows, even and especially them, that the times before a wizard comes of age and gets control of their powers are the absolute goddamn worst of their lives. THE GODDAMN WORST.

...So, you must understand my total and unmitigated joy at finally, fully coming of age.

I had so many plans, as do we all, I suppose.

The ceremony, with all of its pomp and complexities, all its otherworldly horrors and unspeakable bargains, was freshly behind me.

My plans were finally going to be realised.

Just the anticipation was such a thrill.

...Maybe we should jump back a bit:

'Yeah? Do you like that, you creepy little shit?' Troy Matthews smirked in the usual infuriating way that he did when he was hurting people. He hit me again.

'Bet you'll think twice before doing something like that again, huh? You little pasty faggot'

I could have at least tried to swing back if his two goons weren't holding me pinned to my locker.

'Ha Ha - Yeah, faggot!' Bob Butler added, grinning dimly at his own cutting wit.

Marco Hudson just silently twisted his lip, and I could feel the warm breath from his heavily flared nostrils against my neck. He was almost literally getting off. He grip tightened as the next punch came. Straight to the gut. Unblocked, it briefly left stars swimming across my view and brought tears to my eyes.

The three of them were really as standard as they come:

Troy - The entitled rich boy uberjock leader

Bob - The dim-bulb muscle-bound hulk.

Marco - The quiet, smartest, and most calmly vicious of them all.

To be honest, I could have kissed them: what fun are unlimited powers to twist and warp the very fabric of reality without a few people that you truly hate?

What was I gonna do? - Go after jaywalkers? Ironically punish them in some jaywalk-related way?

Hell, it'll probably come down to that... it usually does: but I'm young, let me spread my wings against a group of humans that I genuinely hated.

And I did hate them.

I hated their every smirk and jeer, every line of their jock-cliche bodies.

For years I'd beaten off regularly to the thought of my plans for their comeuppence.

True hate is such a rare and precious thing for ones such as we.

They were my gift to myself, and I was going to enjoy them looooooong and mercilessly.

I'd planned it for so long, imagined it so richly and one-handedly, and now finally my moment was here.

I'm sure I don't need to go through the whole process. The magic, the invocations, the hexes... all pretty standard.

Oh, I knew EXACTLY what to do with them...

I've always liked those curses that are painfully obvious but which are not ALLOWED to be noticed. Turn a girl into a mindless 300-pound hog, but make it so that no-one sees or treats her any different. Watch their befuddlment at her grunting and sudden poor table manners and nudity and squeal-heavy rutting with other pigs.

SO impolite!

...I had something similar planned for those bastards: Soon, they'd look and act like the sluttiest bimbo cheerleaders in the school... no, the country... THE WORLD!, but neither they nor anyone else would ever notice any change. They'd keep on being deferred to as the manliest-man meathead jocks that they once were, even when every time they tried to bully, beat, or intimidate, they'd end up doing something a whole lot more ENJOYABLE to their would-be victim instead. Something that their new sex-bimbo figures made them perfectly suited for...

I laughed long and maniacally as I crafted their fates... then also went on to make a few little adjustments to the school cheerleader uniform, because - hey - I'm only human.

Well, except of course, I'm not. I'm infinitely more than that, now.


I was at my locker when I heard it.

'Hey, faggot!', the bratty little girl voice called out behind me.

Slowly and with a very real shiver of anticipation, I turned and...

They were even more perfect than they'd been in my countless sexual fantasies. For a second I could only stare. My eyes racing over baby-pink uniforms which must have been at least two sizes too small, big nipples poking out through thin tops, the shortest skirts I'd ever seen, matching navel piercings, and three richly-glossed collagen-heavy pouts aimed my way.

'Hey! I'm talking to you, pussy!' Troy continued, really pouting now. All three of them seemed to have that odd, slutty inability to fully close their mouths. It suited them a lot.

Troy was out in front, Bob and Marco standing behind him in classic 'Mean Girl' formation. Each was at least a full head shorter than me now, so Troy had to smirk up at me as he stood there, well within my personal space, his long legs spread wide and his hands on his hips in a classic cheerleader dominance pose. He even had a pair of huge, fluffy pink pom-poms in his hands. They all did.

'Finished staring, fag?' He asked cattily, tossing his thigh-length blonde hair, pink ribbons fluttering.

I could see right down his top.

Bob giggled stupidly. 'Yeah, FAG!', he giggled, bouncing on his toes and setting his massive cleavage jiggling in time with his mirth.

The 'Bimbo' aspect of the spell had clearly found a sympatico subject with him. The tits spilling from his low neckline were maybe even a cup size or two larger than Troy's. His platinum locks were gathered up into two massive pigtails that sprouted from high on the back of his head, and his always dim-bulb gaze finally seemed at home in that giggling, wide-eyed little-girly-girl face.

Troy's smirk deepened, and he lazily placed a pom-pom on my chest and pushed me back against my locker.

'I just wanted you to know', he purred, 'that I haven't forgotten about the other day. You better watch your fucking back today...'

Marco finally made a little noise at that. Kind of like a jungle cat.

If 'Bimbo' had found a resonant subject in Bob, 'Slut' seemed to have really taken a shine to him. That dangerous glint in his eyes was still there, but as he stood there - chest thrust out, skanky bra easily visible, the tops of his thong reaching up high above the skirt that struggled and failed to conceal his world-class booty, tongue unconsciously playing across his thick lips - it seemed to promise something quite different.

'...Or what?' I suddenly asked.

Troy's eyes widened slightly in surprise for just a second. 'What did you just say to me?' he breathed, pushing me harder back against my locker, his pink, manicured nails lightly tracing my right nipple.

'It's quite simple.' I continued, looking down into his petulant little sex kitten face, 'What happens if I DON'T...'

'I know what you mean, fucker', Troy spat. His voice was getting me hard. Such breathy little-girl tones were rarely heard outside of a porno.

His pom-pom had moved down and was gently massaging my crotch now.

'Do you want me to fuck you, you little shit?' he said in a seductive whisper, his green eyes flashing. 'Cause, god help me, I'll do it right now. I'll drop to my knees and suck your big boy cock until you splooge in my hot little slut mouth... is that what you want?'

Bob's melons bounced along with his excited giggles as he joined in. 'Me too, Troy! I want to jack him off all over my stupid face and then rub it into my fat bimbo titties while I finger my butthole and he laughs at me!'

Bob's nipples had been like marbles before, but that thought had really made them swell. I was starting to strongly suspect that he wasn't wearing a bra.

Marco was craftily checking around, making sure that no-one important was watching. He adjusted his little cheer skirt, and for just a second I got a glimpse of the moistening lace of the cameltoe underneath. I guess that thong was as tight as it looked.

Troy's dainty fingers were now enthusiastically tracing my cock through my pants as he glared up at me.

I really hadn't expected anything to happen this fast.

Still glaring, he leant down a bit to fondle my balls. God, I really could see everything down that tiny pink-and-white crop top. Down to his skanky little push-up bra. Each cup had the air of Atlas struggling beneath the weight of the world.

It was a heavenly sight - Troy's petulantly pouting doll face, topped by a vast cloud of golden ringlets and neat pink bows, and beneath his pretty little chin, an exposé on just how close his monster teenage titties were to fully popping out.

I decided to try a little experiment.

'Holy shit, you have amazing tits, Troy.'

His cute little nose wrinkled. He was good at fondling balls, too.

'Yep,' I continued, 'Big slutty tits and a slutty little bra to go with your big slutty ass and your tight little virgin pussy...'

I looked him right in his dramatically made-up eyes.

'You have a PUSSY, Troy. You don't have a cock anymore, you have a wet VAGINA because you're a GIRL. You're a slutty GIRLY GIRL.'

I looked up at Bob.

'Bob, you have huge boobs - LOOK DOWN AT YOUR HUGE BOOBS! Remember how you didn't have boobs yesterday? Doesn't that seem a bit weird to you? You know how boys have been staring at your chest all day when they normally don't? That's because you're a BIMBO! YOU'RE A DUMB BIG-TITTIED BIMBO!

...Marco - You want to suck my cock. You want to get on your knees in your slutty little slut skirt and swallow my cum like a slut. You're a COCKSUCKER, Marco! You're a COCKSUCKING SLUT! Look at those pom-poms in your hands, for fuck's sake! What are those for? You're all going to go and shake your fat tits and asses for the boys later, because you're CHEERLEADERS! YOU'RE CHEERLEADER COCKSUCKERS, ALL OF YOU! AND *I* DID THIS! *I* DID THIS TO YOU! AND LATER I'M GOING TO FUCK YOUR HOT LITTLE CUNTS AND YOU'RE GONNA LOOOOOOOOOVE IT!'

There was a moment of stunned silence, then:

Troy'd almost stopped teasing my cock in his surprise. Almost.

'Dude!' he said. 'You really are a fucking fag, aren't you?'

Bob and Marco both burst out in mocking laughter. Their tits were nearly popping out too, now.

Troy stared up at me like I was mad. 'Of COURSE we have huge slut tits! We're on the team! We've been working out for these puppies for years! Why do you think the pussy all lines up to get a taste? You WISH you had a body like this!'

He was squeezing his tits now.

'...But no - you're just a shrimpy little fag! God, the bitches LOOOOOOOOOOOVE our cocks! We're all, like, a ninth of an inch long! BOOM!'

He thrust his hips, his little skirt flying. Maybe his tiny clit was fully erect and very sexually threatening, but it was hard to tell through underwear even as scanty as his.

'What are you?' Troy's hands returned to tracing my cock. 'Like, seven, eight inches? WHAT A PUSSY!

You're just a little pussy nobody - we're LEADERS! THE LEADERS OF OUR TEAM! We're gonna lead them to victory with our amazing bods!'

He started bouncing and kicking and waving his big pom-poms over his head. Some kind of reflex kicked in and the other two joined in in perfect syncronisation.

Troy finally, orgasmically, screamed 'GO BEARS!' in his come-hither-iest voice and ended up in a splits, breathing heavily into my crotch.

'God!' He finally said once he'd gotten his bearings back. 'I always knew you were a crazy little faggot, but I never knew you were THIS far gone!' He looked up at me meaningfully as he reached up to my zipper.

'...we oughta suck your balls bone dry, maybe that'll shake some of that fag crazy loose...'

We stared at each other as his hand moved up, Marco and Bob dropping to their knees behind him, everyone's pretty, hungry, slutty eyes darting from my face to my bulging crotch as...

'What is going on here?'

It was the principal. He may be a wizard too, to sneak up like that.

'Nothing, sir - just talking something over', Troy said smoothly as the three girls-in-denial quickly leapt up, tidying their hair, and giving the principal one of their patented man-to-man smiles.

'Well, class has begun, you're all very late'

'Sorry sir... Will we see you at the game later?' Troy's ingratiating smile was still just as phony as ever, even if his alpha male chest-thrusting pose came across rather different now.

The principal seemed flustered. '...Ah, yes... I suppose... I know that you boys are all a great credit to the school, and ah...'

His eyes kept being magnetically attracted to that triple wall of still-bouncing teen cleavage. It was clear that he wasn't quite sure why.

'Glad to hear it... Now, if you'll excuse us, we're very late for class'. Troy's manly handshake seemed to fluster the principal even more. 'See you again later...!' the three called back innocently, turning with a meaningful look in their eyes the instant the older man's attention was no longer on them. Troy mimed wrapping his lips around a cock and pumped it for a few strokes before blowing out his cheeks and crossing his mockingly-wide eyes.

All three smirked and tossed their hair dismissively as they left.

From behind, you could see just how short their skirts really were - Plump, creamy ass cheeks bulging into easy visibility beneath each one. I was starting to suspect that Bob wasn't wearing any underwear at all. They even walked like sluts, their asses wiggling in perfect, wanton unison as they minced away. Each of them surreptitiously tossing their long hair and glancing back to make sure that everyone around was watching the show.

The principal certainly was, that fuddled look still on his face. I think he'd forgotten I was there.

His eyes twitched back-and-forth, as if glued to the vanishing cheerleaders' matching tramp stamps.

Later I learned that the Chinese letters inside those brightly-coloured butterfly wings roughly translate to 'Cock Pocket'.



This was very fun, tho honestly the idea seed of the girl to hog thing just seems even funnier to me for how silly it could get XD


Great stuff! I really enjoy the contrast of awareness on this one, like, the fact that everybody still regards them as male despite everything. I'd love to see more of it and more interactions from other angles in their life. How is their relationship different with their gf, or family? Does one have a little brother who always looked up to them and is now following in his slutty footsteps? How do they interact with the cheer team or football team? That kind of thing. Keep up the good work!