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by Wyrdey 

The door opened and in she came.

She still managed to seem innocent, that was what I loved about her.

"You wanted to see me, Mr Strong?" She said. She looked up at me with her big pretty bimbo eyes, her fingers with their long pink painted nails toying nervously with one of her full, waist-length pigtails.

"Just have a seat please, Missy" I answered.

She bit at her fat pink glossed lip as she walked towards my desk. She was the perfect cliche. The precocious schoolgirl who gets sent to her principal's office. And yet, she somehow still seemed to be innocent. It was the scene familiar from so very many porn films, and her uniform and figure would have fit perfectly into any of them. Girls at the beach were better covered than she was in her tiny plaid skirt and stretchy tied off top and white stockings and black platform Mary Jane shoes. The perfect teen dream all the way down to the girlish look of uncertainty on her perfect face.

So Innocent.

She sat down in as gracefully she could. It was obvious from her slight tottering on her huge shoes that both they and her recently bloomed body were things that she wasn't quite used to yet. I smiled. She pulled at her ridiculously short skirt, glancing up at me nervously.

I just sat there for a second, fully appreciating the moment.

"So, Missy, do you have any idea why you were asked to come here?"

She blinked once or twice before answering. "I don't know, Mr Strong. Have... Have I been a bad girl?"

for just a second as she said it, something flashed into those huge crystal blue eyes. She leant forward slightly, just enough for me to be able to see just how much creamily perfect cleavage was packed into that tiny little lacy pink bra.

Oh, she was innocent all right. 

No really - she was, but like all precocious teenagers that innocence was mixed in with a certain dawning hunger. A hunger that she probably didn't fully understand yet.


A slight glimmering of hope had remained deep in her childlike eyes. It was too much.

She pouted in confusion as I burst out laughing. I'd been holding it in so long that it felt good to just let it all go.

It was all just too perfect. 

...And Missy sat there, frozen adorably in confusion. She just silently stared at me in confusion until my laughter began to abate. "What... What is it, Mr Strong?" She said with her adorable little lisp.

I let her in on the joke.

"Holy fucking shit!" Mike Rogers, also known as Missy screamed as he suddenly stared down into his vast and overflowing cleavage.

That got me laughing again. Especially when his hands rushed from his chest to down under his tiny skirt. Seriously, I still laugh when I think of the look in his eyes. 

"hello Mike!" I said.

The girl/boy just gawped at me for a second. Then something like recognition came into those eyes. "Terry?!?" He said, still in those girlish little tones.

"None other," I said. "...And I think I like myself better like this, to be honest. Older, maturer, wiser - a silver fox. Oh, no bald spots for me!"

He just stared at me, frozen, for another long second. Then that hand in his skirt reflexively moved again and he, just as reflexively, let out a very girlish squeal. 

Still chuckling, I stood up from behind my big, imposing principal's desk and loomed over him. "You know", I said. "I really like you a lot better this way".

"How are...? How did...?" His eyes darted around, just like his hands. 

"Oh," I smiled "that's the secret. But I think it's safe to say that I've got a lot more going on than you and your buddies assumed"

the whole look of him was priceless. He just sat silently for a second or two more. Then: "...and... And... Is the... The whole school...? THE WHOLE SCHOOL!?!" He finally managed to choke out. 

"You know it has," I replied "I don't do things by halves"

Even with those platform shoes, he was faster than I would have expected. In a flash, he was out of the chair and running to the door.

"Hold it right there, little Missy!" I shouted, putting real danger into my voice. He froze reflexively halfway to the door. 

I suppose some of that good little schoolgirl stuff was really rubbing off on him. 

I waited until he started to turn his pretty little face back towards me before I continued: "The instant you step outside that door, you go back to being the giggling little bundle of girliness that you've been for the last two weeks"

His eyes darted to the door. I sat back down behind my desk, as if daring him to continue his dash. "Yes," I said "you've been a very happy and good little student that whole time - look!"

I rummaged around at the drawers of my desk, and pulled out a folder. 

"Just look at your grades! Why! You are the top of all of your classes! - Pole Dancing... Makeup for Trollops... Advanced Masturbation... Intermediate Blowjobs." 

I turned a page on the reports. "Well, almost - your teachers said that you might be the top of that class if you didn't get so - I quote - 'Overly excited and jiggly'"

Mike still had all of Missy's memories. I saw the look come over his face as a few choice ones came back. His eyes bulged and he blushed quite adorably.

"Yes!", I said, smiling to myself as I pretended to still be paying attention to Missy's grades. "You are quite the happy little girly cocksucker", I thumbed through a few more glowing teacher's reports.

Mike turned back to face me, tottering unsteadily in his big shoes. His look of uncertainty was quite adorable. "I.... How will... How do I...?" He lapsed into silence. 

I ignored him for a few minutes, pretending to still look through those papers.

Mike opened his adorable, pink glossed mouth again and just stood there for a while with it open silently.

"Is there something you would like to say, Mike?" I finally prompted.

Mike closed his mouth and blushed again, just as adorably as before. He tried again. "How are...? How can I...? Are you...? Are you going to...?" He trailed off, bit at his lip, and looked down at his feet. It was obvious from the look on his face that his truly impressive cleavage interrupted the view again.

I let the silence stretch out for a few moments, then "Are you wondering if I'm going to change you back, Mike?"

Mike suddenly looked up and nodded enthusiastically. It sent his pigtails and... Other parts... Into furious motion.

I packed the papers away back into my desk. Mike watched me with breathless attention.

"Well, I don't see why I should Mike" I looked up at him suddenly, a real grin on my face. "The fact is, I just like you a lot better this way..."

He blushed again, of course. 

"... And," I continued, "Honestly, you seem to be happier this way. I mean, look how well you're doing in class. Maybe you were just meant to be a girl? Had you considered that? I mean, think how happy you've been these last two weeks. Think about all the giggling, and gossip about boys and bra sizes. I have been watching you and you're just a natural bimbo schoolgirl."

I could tell that Mike was barely restraining his anger. His little hands were clenched, his long pink nails curled like talons. I got the sense, probably an accurate one, that he was seconds away from stamping one of his feet and throwing a tantrum on my office floor.

"Do you disagree, Mike? Or should I say, Missy? I mean, look how comfortable you look right now - all dressed up as a bimbo teenybopper!"

There was definitely fire behind Mike's pretty eyes now. I could tell that he wasn't angry enough to risk pushing me just yet, but he shook his little head furiously. His voluminous hair shifted just enough to show the pretty little pink loveheart earrings in each of his shell-like ears.

I liked this. "Oh, so you think you know better than your principal, do you? A silly little bimbo like you?"

Mike actually did raise up one of his Mary-Janed feet and stamped it down angrily. He looked so adorable. He must have realised it, because he pouted furiously and tried to cross his arms. His pert young breasts were far too large for that, of course, and he just ended up raising them up quite mouthwateringly.

On the whole, it probably wasn't the statement that he was intending.

"Yes!", he just said.

I had to give him points for his spunk.

I pretended to think for a second. "Well, I suppose..." 

I trailed off.

The little schoolgirl looked up at me, a mixture of defiance and hope adorably spread across her little face. 

The silence lengthened.

"What?" She finally asked. There was just a hint of hope in her voice.

I grinned.

"Well, I suppose you could try to prove to me that you aren't just a spoiled little girl..." I said vaguely 

Mike tilted his head, just enough to indicate that he was listening. He looked so damn sexy. "How...?"

My grin grew.

"Well, I suppose that if I was to treat you just like a naughty little schoolgirl in her principal's office, and bend you over this desk right now and fuck your tight little pussy..."

Mike visibly twitched. It left his almost exposed breasts jiggling for just a second.

"... Then you could prove to me that you are really a MAN. Because, of course, a REAL man would never, ever enjoy a thing like that..."

I looked down at him and tilted my head just a little bit to match his.

"Do you disagree?"

He tightened his grip beneath his firm young breasts and tried to look fierce. It was just a cute little pout.

I knew I had him.

"Yes," I said. "That, I think, is the only circumstance under which I would ever turn you back. After a little test like that"

The silence really lengthened this time.

I lent on my desk and smiled at him, like the cat that has just caught the canary. And of course I had.

"I... I... I don't..." He peeped. 

He sounded just like the porn actress always does just before she finds herself bent over the desk.

I cut him off.

"So, which will it be Mike? A little test of your manhood, or back to class with you?"

His uncertainty was truly adorable.

"Yes," I continued "if you leave now you can still get there in time for 'Advanced Cock-teasing'" I let my eyes drift back towards my desk drawer. "... And I know how much you enjoy that class"

That was what did it.

"Okay", it was almost too quiet to hear.

I lent forward and cupped my ear comically. "What was that, Mike?"

"Okay!" This time, it was said with a lot more energy, he even unclasped his little arms from beneath his young breasts and flapped both about emphatically. "Okay, I will..."

You'll...?" I prompted with a smile. "You'll let me...?"

"Yes! Yes! I'll let you, you know.... Let you... Me" 

"Oh good! I love, you know... People!" I said mockingly, "especially little tramps as sexy as you"

My! Mike's cheeks couldn't have blushed any more red.

I quickly jumped up and sat on the edge of my desk, suddenly all business. "Well, get started. Take it off!"

Mike just stared, frozen.

And I pointed to the little pink bra that popped up into easy visibility underneath his tiny tied-off shirt. "Get it off".

He just stood there, not moving, for a long time.

I made a little exasperated noise. "Look, if you're just wasting my time, I'm very busy and I have to..."

"No, no!" Mike said. "But, I... I Just...."

I sighed. Looked him full in the face, and rolled my eyes. "Look," I said "you say you're ready to do much more intimate things, but if you aren't even ready to pop those out - like every teenage girl does! - then you're clearly just a silly little girl who is wasting my time." I crossed my arms. "Besides, if you were really a man, those wouldn't mean anything to you. What would it matter if someone squeezed your tits? You'd know that they aren't really yours!"

Mike hesitated for another second, but then he bit his lip and his hands moved back up to his chest. I smiled to myself as he turned half away and started to try to untie his little top. It was clearly harder then he was expecting, but I suppose it would have to be tied quite hard to be wrapped that tightly around such ample endowments. He stared back at me quickly as the knot finally began to come loose, then he looked down, craning his neck so that he could see over the impressive mounds of his cleavage and finish untying the knot.

The shirt finally opened, and he turned away fully as he began to scrabble behind his back at the catch to his tiny pink bra. 

I'd say that he clearly didn't have much experience with this kind of thing, but that would be unfair - very few outside the porn community could possibly have experience in unhooking such immense, straining bras.

"Look!", I said. "Why are you being so modest all of a sudden? I have been able to see almost EVERYTHING you have ever since you came in here. And I am about to truly see EVERYTHING! So drop the delicate flower act, please"

He looked back at me, past one of those massive pigtails. I'd put some of that teacher authority into my voice, the kind that it's hard for good little girls to ignore. He bit his lip again. Then, slowly, hesitantly, he started to turn back around.

The bra was clearly too small for him. 

It was lacy, and pink, and designed to push his cleavage as high as possible. I smiled as I stared down on his impossible, young tits. His own eyes darted between them and my face, and his blush just continued to spread.

Then the hand he had behind his back twisted, and he succeeded.

His gaze didn't move from my face as he slowly slid the delicate straps of his lingerie down his arms. His breasts really clearly didn't need the bra - I'd made them, and I designed them so perfectly, but even I was overawed when I actually saw them. Impossibly huge, impossibly firm, impossibly perky,...

The perfect pair of teenage tits.

Mike was breathing heavily, putting perfect motion into his breasts, as he allowed the tiny pink wisp of underwear to fall to the floor. He still hadn't moved his gaze from my face. He swallowed, and still panting, looked down.

I think he was so surprised that he forgot I was there for a second. His little hands came up and gently brushed along those perfect curves...

He made a little sound and his mouth flew open and his head flew back as one of those long pink nails just brushed against one of his rosy, erect little nipples. He just froze there for a second like that - head thrown back, hair streaming, look of ecstasy across his girlish face.

Who knows how long he might have stood there, if I hadn't cleared my throat?

He bounced, and suddenly seemed to remember that I was there, watching. His hands reflexively flew to his bosom, as if to protect his modesty from my gaze.

And I raised one finger and tutted down at him as I covered the small space that lay between us. He looked up and gasped, his whole body tensing at my approach. I gently reached out and placed my hands on those delicate wrists, there was almost no resistance as I forced them back down to his sides. I just stood there for a moment, staring into those glazed eyes - half rolled up into that pretty little head. Then I reached up with a single finger and quickly but gently traced the curve from the lowest swelling of his breast all the way out to one of those aching nipples. Mike gasped.

And gently, I worked my arm around his shoulders. He looked up at me, trying to blow his thick, blonde hair out of the way. The little pink ribbons that divided his hair into those two massive pigtails bobbled adorably. I just stood there for a second like that - holding him... Then I turned and pushed him as hard as I could towards the desk. 

He was clearly not expecting it. 

A girly little shriek came from between those moist lips and he strained to keep from tripping on his big shoes as he tottered over towards the edge of my desk.

He hit it is about as perfectly as I could have hoped.

His little hands slipped on the polished mahogany surface, and with a little peep, he bent forwards, those massive breasts squishing against the cold wooden surface. He made a little noise as his nipples reacted to the desk's chill.

I walked over lazily. Mike's skirted ass was thrust into the air. A mirror at some point had appeared just behind the desk, and it gave both Mike and me the perfect view of the look on his face. His hands were spread out... His face was flush... And he was panting as he stood there bent over the desk, naked breasts pressed into its wooden surface, perky and perfect ass thrust out towards me, protected only by that tiny joke of a plaid skirt.

I started my hand at the top of the two long, white stockings that reached up to just below his thighs. He made that little noise again as I slowly let my fingers wander up that soft, delicate, creamy flesh... Feeling the very beginnings of the swell and firmness of that perfect ass... I teased him for a second before flipping his tiny skirt. His ass was just as blindingly perfect as his tits.

...What's the point of a bimbo who doesn't have both T and A? 

And even Mike, gazing into his panting face, reflected back by that mirror, would have had a hard time denying that he was indeed a bimbo right now.

He made another little noise as I curled my fingers around his little pink thong panties - the perfect match of his tiny, filmy bra. He looked up, his eyes widened.

I sent his panties sliding down his long sexy coltish legs to curl around his ankles.

At this point, judging by the look on his face, things were starting to sink in. (Just not literally. Yet.)

I kneaded the perfect soft flesh of his ass cheeks in my hands. "Remember our little deal, Mike?" I said. "...If you can get to the end of this without squealing like the happy little precocious schoolgirl that you are right now, then I'll change you back"

Mike, staring back at me from his gorgeous reflection in the mirror, didn't say anything. He was panting heavily, the swell of his cleavage pressed against the desk growing and contracting with each of his deep breaths.

I gave some of that perfect creamy flesh a pinch, just to see his reaction. He flinched prettily. The blush high up on his high cheekbones increased imperceptibly.

I dropped my hands to my belt.

And Mike's little breaths increased in pace. He almost looked like he might say something.

His eyes widened as he heard the sound of my pants hitting the floor.

...And I leaned forward... 

Mike's mouth opened.

I took myself in hand, as it were, and leaned in. I wouldn't have thought Mike's eyes could open any wider, but they did as I gently and mockingly traced the head up and down his delicate moistness.

And he drew in a quick breath, his eyes locked onto mine, his back so tense. His mouth flapped.

I always wonder what he was going to say.

He was a virgin, of course.

He felt like one. He squealed like one. He smelt like one. He bucked like one.

And his perfect pretty eyes, still locked on mine, were so very large. 

"Oh God! God, Mike! You're so tight! You're such a tight little virgin!" I shouted as I'd locked my hands around his tiny waist and began to thrust in earnest.

He was very wet. You could tell it had been building up for a while.

Mike made a little peep sound at the end and beginning of each thrust. You got the sense that he would have wanted it to be louder, but it was being overwhelmed.

His eyes had slipped from mine, now were locked onto the reflection of his own so-very-wide-eyed screaming face, massive breasts wobbling beneath him.

God, he was good. I'd given him the perfect everything. The perfect tits. The perfect ass. The perfect face. The perfect hair. The perfect legs.

The perfect pussy.

It must have been very sensitive too. Pretty soon, he dropped all pretense and just started screaming full-lunged.

Even before I let my arms slide up from his waist and squeezed his breasts.

I think he started talking when my fingers reached his nipples. His erect, perfect nipples.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Don't! Stop! Stop! Don't stop!"

"What, Mike?" I grunted.

His eyes had mostly rolled right up into his head now. "Oh! God! Don't! Stop! Don't! Stop!! Feels! So! Good! Oh God! It! Feels so fucking good!" Then he just lapsed into mindless screams.

"But Mike!" I said, "I thought you weren't just a silly little bimbo slut? I thought you didn't like having a pussy? I thought you wouldn't like to be fucked?"

"Oh God!" He'd reached a hand down and was now squeezing one of his own nipples. "Oh God! Oh God! Oh! God! I fucking love it! I! Fucking! Love!!"

"So you love your tight little virgin pussy and big slutty tits now?" I hissed in feigned bafflement.

"I love my pussy! I love my pussy! I love it!" A look of pure horror suddenly came across his face. "I have a pussy! I have a pussy! I love my pussy! I have a tight pussy! I'm a virgin and I'm tight! I'm tight and a virgin and I love big Cocks!". 

Then he started making a little moaning sound - I couldn't say quite what that meant.

"Yeah." I said, "I'm glad you finally noticed, I suppose even a dumb little bimbo like you had to notice some time"

He was thrashing now. That whole perfect body that I'd given him was so soft and criminally perfect and it was all jiggling perfectly with each one of his spasms and little yips. His eyes were totally rolled up into his head now.

"Oh! Here it comes, Mike! Are you ready to win the bet? All you have to do is hold out for another..."

He lost our little bet. And, I suppose, his cock. Fortunately, I shared mine and everything that went along with it at that exact second.

I looked down at the squirming little topless schoolgirl being so enthusiastically fucked on her principal's desk. She still somehow seemed innocent.

I suppose she just had that kind of innocence - that kind bimbos have, the kind that comes from truly understanding who you are and what you want.

And as I watched her face as I finally pulled out of her, I knew from the hungry blaze in her eyes as they flew open, that this little schoolgirl certainly now knew what she wanted.

She stared up at me and cleared her throat once or twice before chirping "Oh thank you, Mr Strong! Thank you for showing me what a bad little girl I was, and helping me to be better!"

There was nothing fake in the gratitude glowing in those sexy big eyes.

"Not at all, Missy", I said. "That's what I'm here for - I'm here to help all you girls. Help to mold you into the people that you'll become"

Missy giggled dreamily.

"After all," I said as Missy dropped on her knees before me and hungrily took my cock into her mouth (and, yes, she did get awfully excited), "that's what a principal is for"


I walked proudly down the corridors of my school, my hands clasped at my back.

Ahead of me, I could see Missy rushing for class. To say that she had that well-fucked look would be an understatement. But she still hurried on back to class, like a good girl would.

She looked back and pulled at her skirt again, a bemused look on her face.

It was pointless, of course -- there's no way she'd ever be able to get it to cover even most of her ass.

I suppose it was particularly on her mind, though, as she tottered along unsteadily since I hadn't given her her underwear back afterwards. I'd explained in my most calm and indulgent tones that this would be a little reminder of the importance of being a good girl.

Of course, the combination of those massive bra-less breasts and her post-coital haze made her even a little bit less steady on her platforms than usual. 

This gave me an idea. 

I reached out with my mind, and...

As she approached her next class, 'Intermediate Seduction', she suddenly stopped as if confused and then made a little surprised sound, turned and dashed off down a different corridor.

I'd just decided to make a little change or two to her class schedule. Now her next class was cheerleading, where today they would be doing flips and kicks and cart wheels and other things that a girl rarely tries without underwear.

I made a mental note to drop by and watch her later.

...I've mentioned that this used to be a Boy's School, right?

I passed a window and looked in on the class in progress.

It was a wet dream in there. Row after row of top-heavy trollops exercising to a heavy strip club beat. I remembered inventing this class -- I just thought it would be funny to have a class that consisted entirely of doing the exercises that their new bodies would make almost impossible. Right now they were doing star jumps. Every girl was staring in concern at her chest.

Half the class had popped out already. 

Maybe I should have sent Missy here instead.

I continued on to the next classroom.

Looking in I saw the teacher, Miss Bell, expertly demonstrating her amazing Deep Throat techniques for a highly attentive class.

Miss Bell -- who now didn't look any different from any of those students -- had, just two weeks earlier, being that old bastard Mr Bell. A bitter old prude if they had ever been one.

I liked him a lot better like this. I opened the door to the class, and as I did everyone inside jumped to their feet. Miss Bell looked over, her eyes widening hungrily as she saw me. "MmmmMmm... Gargle Gargle... slurp", she said as she tried to talk, briefly forgetting to take the dildo that was so deep down her throat out first.

As she fought to do that (and it really was impressively deep), I turned to the class.

"Hello little ladies," I said to the nervously giggling girls. "I hope you're studying well. This will be very important for you later"

I winked.

There was a lot of nervous titters and none of the girls could stop their eyes from wandering down to my crotch.

Miss Bell was finally able to talk again. "Class," she said "say hello to the principal like good little girls"

The girls chorused "Good afternoon, principal!" and they all, teacher included, did a pretty little curtsy.

You might think it would be kind of pointless to curtsy with a skirt that short, but they all instinctively knew how to do it to give me the best look right down their overflowing tops.

"Miss Bell", I said indulgently "I hope you don't mind, I thought I would just drop in for a moment".

Miss Bell stared at me hungrily for a second, her eyes wandering down and staying on my pants.

"Oh... oh, not at all!" She licked her lips. "You're actually just in time to help me give the girls an important demonstration"

How fortunate. 

A minute later, Miss Bell was predictably on her knees in front of me.

She was the blowjob teacher for a good reason -- I had given her nearly supernatural skill. She could make a man cum instantly with just a touch of the tip of her tongue, or keep him in continuous ecstasy for hours. Maybe days.

I had other things to do, so I made a little adjustment as she greedily leant forward, her eyes frozen on her prize. It surely says something about my life now, that I sometimes have to fast forward my blow jobs.

Her head was a blur as she first forced my cock as far as possible down her throat, then bobbed her head with unfeigned enthusiasm. Several minutes passed for her for every one of my seconds. The air was filled with the ridiculous chipmunks-on-helium sound of her little grunts and moans. She sounded like Donald Duck in a washing machine.

And her titties bounced just as quickly and delightfully.

The class watched on, impassively. They'd never find anything I did odd, no matter how clearly magical or impossible it was.

Still a blur, Miss Bell pulled back and expertly teased the head with her tongue. I could see through the blur the look of devotion with which she looked up at me. As she returned to lightning-fast bobbing her head along my shaft (and tried other things involving her hands, lips, and breasts), I turned to the watching class of schoolgirls.

"Who wants to be next?" I said.

The girls all started, guiltily. An array of delicate little hands were pulled away from panties, where they'd been softly rubbing.

The class was suddenly filled with squealing, bouncing balls of girlish enthusiasm. "Oh, Mr Principal! Pick me! Pick me!"

I smiled. 

"I'm afraid, girls, that I am a very busy man. I only really have time for two of you. Probably at the same time"

The girls stopped bouncing and stood there, their eyes wide with anticipation.

"Hmmm..." I said thoughtfully.

I moved my finger at random over the crowd of breathless girls. Their teacher still a comically moaning blur at my feet.

You two!" I said, pointing to two friends standing nearby. Their faces beamed with excitement and they started bouncing up and down in excitement.

"I'll let one of you do it" I said. The girls stopped bouncing.

"...Whichever one brings me the other one's bra first" I finished with a smile.

The two girls looked at each other.

They kept that frozen pose for a second, staring silently into each other's eyes. Then one threw herself at the other and the two collapsed to the floor, a fighting, squealing, pile of jiggling girl flesh.

I smiled.

"You two!" I said suddenly pointing to two other friends. "The same for you, except it's the one who brings me the other's panties"

These two girls scarcely hesitated.

I stood there happily. Even though Miss Bell was moving in extreme fast motion - for her it must have been at least two hours by now - I still felt every second of equivalent pleasure. And she really was good, I'm not sure if I've emphasised that enough.

I gave a contented breath and glanced down at the big loving eyes occasionally briefly visible through the blur of Miss Bell's jiggling head.

A loud squeal cut across the class.

The two former friends, now fighting viciously for each other's bras, had succeeded in popping each other's tits out to jiggle with each of their grabs and thrusts but otherwise weren't any closer to their goal. The two girls fighting over panties were doing a bit better -- one girl was standing with her panties around her knees, the other was grabbing at them trying to pull them down, but the girl had her own hand on them and was pulling back. Her other hand was on her rival's panties, she wasn't doing a very good job of getting them off but was giving her one hell of a wedgy. The girl gave a cartoonish little peep of pain, as the silky fabric was rammed harder into her soft little ass, but went on with her tug of war against the other girl.

I looked over again - one of the other pair had managed to get her rival on her back and was now madly clawing at those two huge, firm titties. "No! No! Cindy, No!" The girl squealed.

I breathed out happily.

I reached down and placed my hand on Miss Bell's head, stopping her movement and gently easing her back off my cock. She made a hungry little murmur as her fat lips were finally pried off.

...And I grunted and came like a tidal wave all over her face. I had made it so that I cum a truly amazing amount... And she was certainly getting the full benefit of that.

At first she gaped, her eyes wide, as the waves of stickiness blasted into her face -- but then she moaned and tossed back her head and tried to catch as much in her mouth as she could. Manicured hands sliding down to where some had spilled onto her chest and rubbing it into the soft, pale flesh of her perfect breasts.

I do so love my job.


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