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I want to start doing a new thing where, every few months, I spend a few weeks seeing how many short animations I can make based on people's suggestions.

I've been making very cut-down GIF versions of my videos for DeviantArt (...and you can see them on my new website too... In case you missed that post from yesterday...) 

Making full videos is an astonishing amount of work, but relatively short GIFS should be a lot quicker and easier to do in bulk.

(...And, of course, even though I charge per creation, all of these will only count as ONE creation. I'll NEVER charge more than once per month. The per-creation thing is just so you don't feel ripped off if I vanish for a month or two)

So: comment below or send me a message with an idea for a short transformation.


1). Obviously no promises that I'll get around to your request this time. 

2). If several people request something similar, I'll merge them together

3). They'll have to be short, no more than a brief scene

4). Obviously nothing that would violate Patreon's TOS

5). If you want to include some kind of visual reference, you can, but no promises I'll follow it particularly closely or at all

6). If I find it squick-y I'll be unlikely to do it

7). No Furry stuff - I just don't think I have the software for it (basic anime-type Catgirl/Bunnygirl stuff would probably be okay)

8). Don't be a dick

9). This is an experiment, I'll try to get around to as many as I can, but no promises on how many I'll actually be able to crank out

10). If your idea is similar to a planned upcoming video, I'll probably save it for then

11). No, seriously - don't be a dick.


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