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"I think she forgot to take something with her before she left the house....wonder what it was...

AH! an umbrella!"

Sorry if I have been a bit silent these past days, just got home few days ago and been in work mode like 100%

Been practicing and trying to be more efficient artists so I wont burn out like I have done in the past and actually have fun drawing!

I really want to knock it out of the park this year! Make comics, be more organised and make some good lewds!!

I think this year is gonna be good (Knock on wood) hehe

More posts coming soons!




Take as much time as you need. You got good quality content and that comes from having the energy to practice; to be creative; to be able to work - without getting a bit distant for self care all the other things are impossible. Plus it is nice when every creator takes a time out, so I dont have to „catch up“ everywhere ^^ Great picture btw. Always love your style and stuff.

Christopher R.

She's so hot! Love her! She definitely needs to get closer to me. You know, so she can stay warm.


Mmmmm her face and her body 🥰🥰🥰🥰