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Howdy! Hope you are all well!

So after a lot of thinking I've decided to do some changes with the patreon set-up. First and foremost: I have decided to stop monthly voting.

The reason is because I have been feeling increasingly burnt out due to the timing of the voting. The problem as it stands is that with the time involved: I wait five days for suggestions, and then another five days for voting to finish, then I have to come up with a good idea that fits that voted character.
By the time all this is done around half of the month has already passed and I'm rushed to finish. That brings a lot of stress into my life, to say nothing of wrecking my creative process.

So I am gonna do a little bit of changes, I hope everyone understands.

What I'm thinking of doing now, is to stop Character Voting and instead have Gold, Silver and Bronze members suggest Characters or ideas on discord, that way I can pick idea comes to me naturally. (Not guaranteed.) This way I think I will get more enjoyment out of drawing and avoid any nasty burnouts.

Also, Gold will now recieve Time lapse videos of the work I do, PSD files, sketches and MP4 videos of any animation if its in the pack. Silver will continue to receive the standard pack as usual

I hope this way, I will relief a lot of stress on my part, and I want to stress that I still plan to keep giving everyone meaty packs of smut!

I want to do this full time, but the way things have been going, I could clearly see I was gonna be burned out in the future.

Thank you guys for supporting my work, it really means a lot to me and hope you understand why I really need to do these changes.



sounds good! your health and enjoyment with this is really important...so yeah....go for it ^^