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boy problems

I read both KB and Original written version, but I didn't like the ending of the written version at all, it was a complete cop out and felt very rushed


I've read all 3 of the stories. Overall, it is so cool to see the same story portrayed in 3 unique ways that each compliment each other. But here's a quick TL;DR opinion of all them. Also, I acknowledge most of these opinions are clearly a "me" thing. Written: Obviously the basis, great story overall, good details for an expansion-type story, although it is a bit of a slow burn, needed a "Where are they now?" moment, especially towards the end. KB: This is how I learned about this story, they are an amazing artist, excellent visuals even with the B&W sketches and illustrations. Follows the story well, almost to a fault, which starts to become a bit of an issue when it moved to only illustrations. Still a very well done interpretation. Pyra: Balance of new ideas and original source, great visuals again, really pushes expressions and colors, which I love. Expands on the story naturally. I will say that a few character expressions and attitudes I felt were kinda odd. Mainly in the first chapter with Allisa, where I thought she was bit brattier compared to the original, but she mellowed out later.


thank you so much for your opinion!! I actually was trying to make alissa the most faithful to her written version at the begining of the comic, maybe she look brattier for the exagerated expressions and poses I used to use in the first chapter hahaha