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Jesús Guillén

I'm excited to see Dennis in the future >:) and what a great Arc ❤️

draco flame

Aw, someone did offer help, how nice. Denise getting the grumble is also a delightful ominous moment. And me being predictable, while no contest is happening with her mom, jacita is getting a lovely rear as well.


Oh, this is interesting, I've read both yours's and the original and seeing this page gives me a lot of intrigue and excitement.


Pyra I hope this is the change you made to the comic, but are women infected by Nicole able to infect others😃?


I wonder that too, that would be pretty cool, especially with all of the cool extra artwork that Pyra's already done.


I also do like that in this piece and the one before they both show they still care for each other