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Sorry for the delay people! I have been really busy this week! expect more pages of the comic the rest of this week including weekend!



Kai Morningstar

From what I could count (from that I could see on the picture but I may be off) roughly 9 or 12 aliens, I have two theories on the woman’s size increases and I’ll use cases 1 and 2 (Nicole and Samantha) as my reference (Theory 1: accelerated growth) my first theory is that the more eaten, the faster the growth of the aliens, with this in mind amd based of size, Nicole and Samantha must be either nearing the end of their pregnancy or are already wildly overdue (Theory 2: Multiplication) my second theory is that the more eaten, the more the aliens multiply, using this case, biased on size, Nicole and Samantha most likely have near to 20-25 of them in there and are continuously going to keep causing more to grow the more they eat


My theory is that the aliens have finished subdividing within her and that there are now thousands of brood within her belly but what they are doing is growing rapidly but at the same time they are all huddling together to prevent her belly from growing bigger to fool her long enough for them to gain more control over her.


I think they are more than 12, its just that they are very crowded in the image. And I think your second theory is more correct!


haha, bluegreen! you need to be nerfed! you theories scares me sometimes due to how accurate they are ahahahha