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Jake McKee

Great images, as always!

Jake McKee

Let me see if I can guess as the lighting..... So it looks like there's several window light sources. I can see what looks like windows behind her and to camera right, providing most of the room light. But I'm guessing there's either another window with some bright, direct sunlight or a flash pop at camera left (based on that nose shadow, and in one of the images the pattern on her leg). .... or maybe that's your LED light panel on the ground pointing up from camera left...?

Raymond Koek

Beautiful pictures 😍😍😍😍


At that time, my set up was different than now. I was mixing flash + led panel + natural light. As there was a huge window behind her, even my lee panel would have had not enough strength to put her face correctly so this is also why I used a flash ( I was using a ranger Quadra elb400 if you want to know everything :) )