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Heeeeeeeeya ppl! Well, first of all this last week all I did was sketching and cleaning the next batch of comms :) I hope syndra's feet looks good cause holy drawing feet is haaaaaaaaard haha

Secondly, I feel like being honest for a bit: I'm feeling weird regarding my work, like really haha I haven't been able to keep any promise I made for content here for the last months. I think most of the problem comes from the fact that my art lessons are kinda flopping these times, and I love doing them so much that this might be affecting me more than I was thinking. I haven't got any new students for a while (which makes sense as most of them I got during the pandemic where we had time to draw together n stuff despite the time differences n stuff) and life just got in the way of my currents ones. With that my motivation started declining and it's been like that for the last months. Despite all of that I feel like I've evolved a fkin lot regarding my work, specially on the sketch part, which made working on comms a lot easier. I don't feel passionless but I feel really stagnated rn. My latest personal pieces (peach and nessa) I just... dunno. I feel a bit disconnected with my stuff lately. When I began drawing the cultured stuff it was for pure pleasure, 100% self indungelt POV lovey stuff. While I feel stuff's been coming out great, I miss this old feel I once had with my work. Maybe I'll go back to simpler stuff (no more comic panels and stuff like that) regarding my personal pieces in order to try getting that old feeling again.

Welp that's it I guess. I feel better now haha

Let's see how stuff turns out from now on. Till then, have a good one :)



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