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Heeya ppl! So, ngl these past couple weeks (months even) have been pretty frustrating for me, for a lot of reasons. IRL stuff aside, I feel that even tho I'm way more confident than ever before with my stuff, my growth got pretty stagnated. At this point twitter is just messing everyone up and I got the hard ghost ban treatment, so my reach is pretty much gone haha

Also, my patreon really didn't go as I planned, it's been declining on support on the last months. I wanted to reach at least something around 100-200 usd in order to actually change my income a bit, as my goal is to get more support here in order to be able to get less commissions per month. As much as I love working with commissioners, I've been doing that for 6-7 years now. I want more time to draw stuff for me, and rn I can't as I just don't have the same energy as I had before. Guess I'm just getting old haha Welp, I'm struggling but slowly managing to take control of my routine and be healthier in order to get that energy back tho :) let's see how it goes!

So, for nov / dec I'm not changing anything here, but starting in 2023 I'll change pretty much most of the tiers / rewards here. It seems like the tipjar tier doesn't really get that much interest so the 1usd one might be gone. Tier 3 with access to the polls and alternate versions will stay :)

Plans for future content includes:

- PSD files
- Tutorials
- Focus on bigger projects that I feel I do way best than pinups n stuff, like comic pages / sequences
- Access to livestreams

As for prices and etc, still not sure, but I'll certainly have something concrete on that till next month.

Sry for the long post and hope you guys still enjoy / follow my journey as I go on. I'll be back by wednesday for more wips n stuff.

Till then, have a nice one :)


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