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I was just thinking... I can't believe it has been 2 years since I started this channel. Where did all the time go?


  • Script for our next video is currently being finalized, and should be up tomorrow night. Like most large projects, it took a while to research, but the editing should be faster than normal. Hopefully no delay is necessary.
  • In preparation for this video, I watched 14 different Jackie Chan movies. It was as enjoyable as I have hoped. Although all the fun turned into torture when it was time to watch The Tuxedo. Gawd that movie blows.
  • I also started thinking about April Fool's video. Currently I have two ideas, but I don't want to spoil anything just yet. If you have any ideas, though, feel free to share!


  • Last update, someone brought up Mystery Science Theatre 3000. Let's talk about that!
  • If case it wasn't obvious, I have a lot of trouble with sleeping. And whenever insomnia strikes, I turn on MST3K.
  • There is just something about the show's atmosphere that puts me at ease. The hosts are chill, the movies are crap and commitment free, I can start and stop any time I want.
  • It also brings up something about movies that, I almost forgot because of quarantine: The community aspect of it. Movies are meant to be shared.
  • You are always expected to go to the movies with someone, often times, a date. It may feel weird to bring a date to a place where talking isn't allowed, but that is how our society sets the expectation. Watching a movie alone, just doesn't feel the same.
  • MST3K offers that experience. Just a couple of dudes sitting side by side, chatting while the movie plays. It's pleasant. It's something I didn't realize how much I needed, until I have to watch movies alone all the time over the past year.
  • And thanks to MST3K, I watched a lot of (really bad) movies, too.
  • There are, of course, the infamous pile: Manos the Hands of Fate, Robot Monster, Hobgoblins. You name it, I saw it.
  • Manos is bad, but it's fascinatingly so. Admittedly, the story behind the movie is more interesting than the movie itself, Someone made this movie as a bet, to prove that making a horror movie is easy. They then film this entire movie with a camera that can only capture 32 seconds at a time. If someone can make a movie with that, I can make a movie on my own.
  • Robot Monster is a real cheap production that actually has a decent set up. Humanity has been eradicated, but one family survived. While they are hunted down by an alien menace, the family continues to live and upheld civil traditions: Family gatherings, weddings, things that they believe, makes them distinctly human. Too bad there's no pay off to all of this.
  • The Hobgoblins is a trip. I have no clear memory of this film, just bits and pieces. and every bit of it is psychedelic. And no I don't do drugs. I think this might just be the movie that has to be shared. Because it is a film that words cannot describe. You just have to watch it with someone, and then stare at each other in the eyes afterward. You'll feel connected.
  • Perhaps one day, after the pandemic, I'll sit with someone and watch MST3K together. Although that may ended up a bit too noisy.
  • But the thing about MST3K is that, it really isn't about the movie anyway. Drifting in and out of the commentary, letting my mind wonders between sleep and awake. There is just something really neat about that experience.
  • There is more to the film going experience than what is on the film itself. Sometimes, the experience isn't even about the film.

And that's the update! Do you watch MST3K or similar commentary track shows? Or do you watch movies with other Vtubers? Let me know! I'll see you later this week with a new video.



AJ + Adi

It took me a while to get around to reading this, but I definitely also have an old and abiding love for MST3K! Funnily enough one of the main things I have been missing during the pandemic is the double-community version of this in Vancouver: The Gentlemen Hecklers. At the local Rio Theatre, once a month a group of comedians do a live MST3K style performance over a bad or bad-adjacent movie in front of the audience and normally kill it. (The main Hecklers are actually some of the writing team for the MST3K reboot first episode!) If you find yourself in Vancouver after the Pandemic and it is up and running again, I recommend it highly.