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Man, a lot of things happened just the first week of October. Hope you all are doing well. Canada is experiencing 2nd wave right now, but the provincial governments are taking a lot of hard measure to curb it. Hopefully it works out.


  • Work for the next video has began, but rather slowly. In case you are wondering, we'll be talking about one of the movie from the Crayon Shin-chan series.
  • I have a great deal of emotional attachment to the Crayon Shin-chan series as a whole. So writing this episode digs up a lot of past memories from the back of my mind. It's for this reason, I found myself unable to focus. That's why the script is nowhere near finishing.
  • So, I'll but taking this one slowly, and hope you don't mind.
  • Don't worry, though, the Godzilla episode is going to happen on Halloween. It's gonna be fun, especially when you guys realize I didn't actually like Shin-Godzilla (YOU WHAT!?)


  • Many people have a go to Halloween movie, what is yours? Well, here are my recommendations:
  • I don't know why, but I don't find recent Horror films fit the Halloween spirit. To fit that Halloween spirit, you have to look back further.
  • Old black and white gothic horror has that going for it. Old classics like Dracula, Frankenstein, and The Mummy all have this mood that feels dreamy. It transports you to an alternate world, similar to reading a story from Edgar Allen Poe.
  • It's classy. It's not too terrifying. And it feels like a strange nightmare that is oddly fascinating. This genre is best experienced alone at night.
  • In the same vein, There is the Hammer film series. Its Dracula is just as gothic but much more bloody, and has some sexiness to it (but really tame for today's standard). And its Frankenstein focuses much more on the madness of the doctor, rather than the monster. In this vein, there is also the 1953 House of Wax. These are your technicolor horror, full of theatrics and style. This one can be enjoy alone or with other movie buffs.
  • Something about the 80s slasher flicks just feel right for Halloween. I mean, the most famous one is literally called Halloween! There's also, of course, Friday the 13th, Child's Play, and A Nightmare on Elms Street. I'd put Texas Chainsaw Massacre on there, too. But Texas Chainsaw honestly feels a bit much for a Halloween night. It's too visceral.
  • But if you want some less famous examples of slasher, try Sleepaway Camp. The less you know about this series the better. It starts off feeling pretty cliche, but I promise, there's a good pay off to this.
  • Also Stephen King's Carrie, while not a slasher film, has a similar mood to it. Great movie, strongly recommended.
  • I recommend watching slasher films with a few friends and a couple of beers. Be sure they are close friends and no one is at risk of virus transmission, though!
  • Finally, there's the monster movies. Yeah, Halloween really isn't about horror, it's about monsters, isn't it? I supposed you can always watch E.T., or Monster Squad, both are excellent family films for Halloween.
  • But for me, I like my monster movies to be absolutely awful... Mystery Science Theater level of awful, so my personal go to is Robot Monster. The movie is so crap, even the title is a lie: There is no robot in this movie.
  • Similarly, there's Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. Although that one is intentionally awful. There's also Manos the Hands of Fate. But these movies, you have to have friends watching together, or you might find yourself losing your mind.

And that's all of my Halloween recommendations! I think this year, I'm going to watch Mystery Science Theater for the entire night. It's not like any kids are going to knock on my door anyway, might as well pack the entire night.

Maybe we can even watch them together on Discord!
