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The Schpiel:

Heya Nudgers! Welcome to your special perk: The Monthly sketch/Pencil illustration suggestion thread! Here, you get to suggest ideas for me to pencil out  in Saunter/Abby-Cube format (500 x 500 pxl).

The Theme:

This month's theme?

"It's the month of love and relationships, so send me your best date (or gifting) suggestions. It doesn't necessarily have to involve Abby (or Nabby), but it doesn't hurt to involve them! Also, couples are welcome just this once, but plz keep it simple (cuz 2 characters)"

A few rules:

ONE character and scenario per suggestion. Please provide a complete description, as well as visual reference of both the character and scenario. Please keep it relatively simple, so as not to detract from the rest of the content to be created/delivered this month.

Also, if you are requesting a previously requested character (regardless of how long it's been since last they were depicted), please vary the scenario in which the character appears (provided that particular depiction hasn't already happened). i.e. if the character was "nabbed by Nabby" the last time I drew them, maybe have them "dominating Abby" instead? There's only so many ways I can depict "character gets nabbed by Nabby," especially in quick succession, or if I haven't done anything else with the character.

No IRL celebrities or individuals. Also, no live action versions of fictional characters (i.e. you can't request the Bob Hoskins version of "Super Mario")

If you suggest an OC, I will personally need to get permission from that character's owner.  Preferably either a DM from them, or a dated screenshot of the convo getting permission. Vouchers on your part are not enough.  If they say "No," I will not do the suggestion.

One suggestion per month.

This is a suggestion thread, not a commission page. I reserve the right to follow the spirit of the suggestion, even if I don't follow the exact details of the letter. I also reserve the right to not take a suggestion, though I hope it won't come to that.

Cutoff for suggestions is the last week of the month. I'm fast, but I'm not that fast, and do NOT want to deal with the anxiety.

Please respond to either this thread or the appropriate channel on Discord. It doesn't matter if we know each other elsewhere (Twitter, Discord, DeviantArt, etc), Please respond to this thread so I have public record and don't have to scrounge my various accounts elsewhere.

Also, I'm down for a lot, but here are hard "NO"s.

  • Torture
  • gore porn
  • snuff
  • defecation and piss
  • babification and diapers


The character must be CONFIRMABLY over the age of 18, even if furry (i.e. no Sonic the Hedgehog/Amy Rose). This doesn't include situations where the character clearly has a visually adult body (or is visually implied to be intended to be sexualized) but is "confirmed" underage (see: Rouge the Bat. "Confirmed" as 17 in the Sonic Heroes manual).

I think that's about everything. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments, and, of course hit me with your suggestions. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Catcha over Yonder!




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