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Its getting to be more and more of a pain keeping track of what I've made/what's been posted. Peepers and Nudgers, check the dropbox for the last few months (and, for that matter, next month. Yes, next Month) for what I mean. On top of having to procure previews to prevent prying peepers away from posts that would make the prudes puke.  Something that's never been hard, however, is just dumping things here on Discord. Upload the art (or a link, for video, in case its too big for Discord), write a Twitter-esque blurb, and repeat for the commentary channel (for context). Plus, posting here (and exclusively so) keeps Nabby's varios Patreon-unfriendly shenanigans out of Patreon's spotlight. and makes things slightly more difficult for a certain site that shall not be named.

The major downside is that not everyone has (or wants) Discord (or has their Discord connected to their Patreon).  

Hence the question: Should I migrate to posting exclusively to Discord (with a pinned comment instructing Patrons/subscribers to join Discord)?  Or should I keep posting to all 3 (Patreon, SubscribeStar, Discord -each as backup for the other two)?  

(Note: Direct-message exclusive benefits (dropbox links, the monthly archive) will still be DMed to the appropriate tiers at the appropriate time of the month. Suggestion threads and similar announcement will, however, migrate here, to their respective channels)  

Let me know what you think (because there's probably some perspective not mentioned/covered above).  

Also, Straw Poll here (https://strawpoll.com/polls/PbZqoP78bnN) in case you want to vote, but don't want to leave a comment.

Thanks and catcha over yonder!


Trevor Bond

I would be fine if you made life easier on you, but then we talk all the time so, my point may be skewed. As long as you have a backup SOMEwhere, you should be okay (never know when Discord will suddenly go ape on things!) Edit: I should say I respond to posts all the time lol. So, yeah, I care enough about your well-being to be fire with what makes things easier.