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Aw, isn't that cute?
@JakeMaxfield 's Morrigan thinks enough of Abby to borrow her wardrobe and take her out on a date! How sweet!
(I'm sure Abby would agree under the blindfold and muzzle.)

Process Gif/Alt. versions:

The Rant:

Heh, Modern Abby's nickname is "Coco puffs." I'm so clever. :3

So! Straight from the suggestion thread, Faust11 suggested his spider-skunk gal Morrigan taking Abby out on a date! How could I refuse? I'd kept making mention that I needed to draw her more often, so this wa a perfect opportunity!

However, half the fun of drawing Morrigan (and Morrigan with Abby specifically) is seeing how Morrigan can twist anything innocuous with Abby into somethihng kinky! In this case a date. The fun thing about Abby never winning is that for any other character, you could probably arrange something consensual, but for Abby, miscommunication is both key and fun!

So while Morrigan and Abby could probably have worked something out, where Abby keeps her dignity and Morrigan gets her cuddle bug, this is waaaay more interesting.

Especially with all of her senses so wrapped up, they not only deform her ears, but also leave her entirely dependent on Morrigan's web leash for orientation.


Though it wasn't always. 

As you can see in the rough, I had initially drawn it from a worm's eye view, to showcase Morrigan's power over both Abby and the reader. The problems? 

1. I'd done a lot of low angles at the time and didn't wanna repeat myself again
2. Poor Abby was getting left in the corner!

So, after a few false start reworks, I came at it with a bird's eye view instead, which I think both better showcased Morrigan's smirky expression and Abby's generous jubblies! 

Now, normally Morrigan goes naked, but in my head, it felt a lot more fun to have her wearing some kind of outfit, and also enhance the power dynamic contrast between her and Abby to have Abby nude instead.

This is also one of the few times where dialogue was absolutely necessary, because I like the implied dynamics of Morrigan sneaking into Abby's home, tying her up, raiding her wardrobe for something she liked (and could torture Abby with the possiblilty of ruining for her), and then walking out with both outfit and owner in hand and the potential of twisting both to her way of thinking...~!
(and now you're all excited having read this, aren't you?)

But, without the dialogue, it just looks like the outfit belongs to Morrigan, doesn't it?

Dialogue can be useful!... as long as Abby doesn't get any.

I'm also happy with the minimalistic background, selling the idea that Morrigan is less interested in showing Abby a fun time, but rather isolating her where no one can interrupt their fun times. It's different, but it works.

What do you think? 

Let me know in the comments!
Your feedback lets me know how I'm doing!
Thank you for your continued support and patronage, and I'll catcha over yonder!





Love it. Morrighan being a sassy bitch while Abby is forced to tag along. But secretly loving it. Gal pals are the best.

Trevor Bond

The environmental storytelling is very good, but the dialogue does clarify things very nicely. The angle shift slightly reduces the contrast in their heights, but not so much it matters and I think Abby's ears being pushed up does it's share of that too. Also, 'Coco Puffs' huh? Hah, I'll have to remember that one! A solid piece!


She's lucky to have found clothes that fits her... Abby being a fun size candy :p