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Where there is Abby, there must also be her jello-curse doppleganger:
Nabby only wants Abby...and anyone who would keep her from that goal!  
My links where you can find more Nabby: https://linktr.ee/SaunterWing

The Rant:

So, naturally, if I was going to do an Abby reference sheet, there obviously had to be a Nabby reference sheet as well too, yeah? 

And, you'd think, "Well, Saunter, its simple! Just recolor Abby and you're good!" Right? 

Well, I'm Saunterwing and I am as allergic to "simple" as I am to "subtle!"

Ignoring even the face (because, yes, duh, the eyes need redrawing), the initial problem with just recoloring the nude Abby is that Nabby looked a little too... solid?

(Also, this is why Nabby didn't get the sclera treatment like Abby did. It makes her look a little more self aware than I'd like for her usage, even with something like "inverted sclera" or something. I think Shadow Mario achieves a similar effect)

But yeah, while Nabby can take a solid form, I think the "tiddy-goblin shaped jello pool" has taken off for a reason, and it makes her not only more distinct from Abby, but able to stand on her own as a character that can interact without the context of Abby herself.

So what to do?

Give her some texture.

Sure, I could have just given her some bumps and stuff, but, again, animation flex. So I decided to do so by integrating some loops into her various limbs. Specifically:

a driplet of slime running down anything...

A driplet falling off of something:

And some general running texture:

To give the appearance that Nabby isn't entirely solid.

Because each of these loops could be integrated into the timelines of her various limbs where they are attached, I didn't have to learn how to integrate them into the initial bounce animation like I would have if it were purely traditional. I could just attach them to the limbs in select spots (I couldn't do it everywhere, as she still needs a definable "form" to be referenced), extend the timelines and make sure they matched up with the overall loop timeline, and boom. Slimy Nabby!

(the changing colors are from the different symbols being on different layers for the transition between phases. this is just the illusion breaking)

I think its still a little too runny and not entirely slimy enough, but, in general, I'm happy with where this is, at least for what it's intended to do as a reference. 

It gives Nabby her proportions, a hint of her disposition, and hints that she's not entirely solid. Good enough for me!

What do you think?
Let me know in the comments!
Your feedback lets me know how I'm doing!
Thank you for your continued support and patronage, and I'll catcha over yonder!




Kiwi Kink

Nabby is dripping with excitement... This looks great, and I loved your rant for this one, always love reading about your process.

Trevor Bond

I agree it makes her much more distinct from Abby when she has a notably less solid texture. I just figure it's humid where she is lol. I get the weird idea Nabby is either really warm or rather cold compared to her environment at any given time.


Thank you! Reading these comments (and your puns) always makes them worth writing!