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  • Someone I pitched the initial idea to suggested a "squeaked up version." Combined with someone accidentally invoking the sympathy button ("Nice to see Abby not in distress for once"), I decided to go ahead and make a kinky version! Enjoy!


I was tired of not having a custom "Yay!" emote/reaction gif, so I made my own! You can check out the rest of them (all SFW) here:

The Rant:

You know how, when you want to react to something, you need to either:

  • Search a gif library
  • use the inbuilt emotes for whichever channel you're chatting in?

Well, what if you're an artist? Why not make your own? Especially on Twitter, where gif responses can clutter your media tab, making it hard for passerbys to check out your content?

That was part of my thought (I started on FB, rather than Twitter) when coming up for this gif. I've done a few for my SFW persona, hoping to turn that into some kind of business. Alas, very few of my friends/fam ever used them (even with explicit permission), and apparently they didn't make enough rounds to cycle into FB's algorithm, so that venture was a bust. I still make them for my own personal usage, but I don't expect to randomly see them on the internet, much as I might hope to.

In making a new "^This" react animation for my SFW character (for when I agree with the comment above mine), it occurred to me that there was no reason I couldn't make one for Abby, and so I did!   

However, recently, I wanted to make a "Yay" emote (to go with the "You got it!" thumbs up emote I did for my SFW character), so I made one for Abby!

Not too hard or complicated; there's not much to say here I haven't said in previous rants about asset animation. However, there are some weirdisms in this that I do appreciate. 

For one, Abby's proportions don't match how I normally draw her. 

  • Her head's bigger than normal, 
  • her face takes up more of her head, 
  • She has white sclerae (the eye-whites) rather than her usual skintone sclerae 
  • her boobs are smaller, 
  • Here hands are larger at the cost of smaller arms...

....and she overall more resembles a video-game/cartoon mascot than a pin-up chub that she normally does. This was more because I wanted to make sure everything fit in a 500 pxl cube, than a design change. Same with the eye-whites; they didn't really read when I zoomed out, but giving her white sclerae fixed that. These aren't normal/permanent changes, though I may invoke them for future gifs; she's still cute!

These also aren't intended to only be animated, either. If you're in the discord server, you'll note that some of these have been converted into emotes as well. I just took the most dominant pose and made that the emote. I don't think they're all 100% successful (emote graphic design is just not a skill I have), but they'll work until I make something better.

Speaking of, the emotes are free to use, provided you don't monetize them (put them on merchandise, try to sell them independently) without my permission. My hope is that they get so widespread that they go viral and people I don't even know are using them from sources I didn't even know they can be uploaded to. Feel free to either upload them directly from wherever you might save them, or use the tenor link above!

What do you think?
Let me know in the comments!
Your feedback lets me know how I'm doing!
Thank you for your continued support and patronage, and I'll catcha over yonder!




Kiwi Kink

Somehow, you've made Abby even more adorable :D

Trevor Bond

Her video game-esque build did have me going 'Hm, wait, let me see how many things I can spot different'. I got the overlarge expressive face, the eye whites, and the arms proportions, at least! lol, why do I expect the first is her reaction to not finding herself in the second, more common state? Good work, I will see if I can find places to drop them! (Sadly my computer's junk so.... eh)