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  • CommissionSample.mp4




Nabby's being awful nice to Abby for once!
I wonder what's up, and/or how long this will last?


The Rant:

So, this was fun!

As y'all know, I've been on an increasing iPad kick, when it comes to making my work, and this was technically no different. Or rather, this would normally be no different except for two reasons:

  • Nabby's being (relatively) nice to Abby.
  • The reason Nabby's being nice to Abby.

And that's because I need a "safe" demo image for the commission chart I'm making. Let's back up.

Yes, I'm opening commissions. I did want to get back into doing them, because they're fun, and I like having the spare cash and portfolio builders, but I could never get into the proper mindset for doing them at a pace where I both felt satisfied with them and the process. That all changed when the iPad made doing them from wherever I wanted viable.

After having done one test commission, I found the process viable enough that I decided I wanted to open them up publicly, rather than just to Patrons, as was the initial plan (since enough of you ask me in the DMs that it didn't make sense not to make them available to you, regardless of how that one comm went).

As such, for a commission chart, I would need an image to demonstrate the full breadth of my skills and what clients could expect. And, much as I'd like to depict Abby and Nabby's normal shenanigans, the image needed to be safe enough that its very nature wouldn't be offputting to share. Not in the sense of appeasing the prudes, but appealing to the lowest common denominator, aka the prudes.

As such, Nabby's just cuddling Abby, as opposed to...well, how Nabby normally cuddles Abby.

In terms of process, one of the hard things about doing these process images is that it's sometimes very hard to stop where you're supposed to. If you check the dropbox, there're actually three versions of this saved:


Monochrome lighting and shading:

and Full colors:

What you can expect from me, if you get a commission from me.

....but saving them required manually remembering to stop and save them before moving on to the next step. Otherwise, going back and turning on/off layers and adjusting their settings to export them at the end of the process would have looked very awkward in the timelapse.

I also don't do "sketches," or "pencils," because my "sketches" tend to be super rough, and my pencils/inks (unless I'm taking it into Adobe Flash/Animate) tend to be interchangeable. See the hatching on Nabby's face? That'd be there if these were pencil-ed versions. It'd just be a different texture. 

The really cool thing about this was how well it flowed, which means I'm probably close to leveling up and stabilizing my work on my iPad. Not gonna lie, Procreate's been a little iffy for me, because of how some of its UI elements work, but the long game suggests its the best way to go. This going really well means that I can expect future arts to go even better, and I'm super excited about that!

What do you think?
Let me know in the comments!
Your feedback lets me know how I'm doing!
Thank you for your continued support and patronage, and I'll catcha over yonder!





There is a thing I want you to draw!

Trevor Bond

I shall have to come up with a project sometime. Currently not a viable option for me financially, but hey, I'll let the initial flood die down some first lol. I'm sure Nacha will be in line early though. Looks good by the way, I like how nervous Abby looks!

Kiwi Kink

NaBbY wAnTs A hUg....