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Silly little @BoxCatDrawings! Why didn't you warn little Bozlion that once tape drones pop, they don't stop? Oh well. I'm sure they'll make a fine gift for whoever finds them! 

Process Gif/Alt. versions:

Despite being made in Procreate, it turns out that Procreate's timelapse saving and animation helper reeeaaally don't play well with each other, so no timelapse this time, or whenever I make a sequence in procreate.

The Rant:

So, this was fun!

It was meant as a reward for my friend Boz/BoxCat for a stream well done. They've been having issues with motivation and discipline and I like to let them know that I appreciate them doing their best. 

In this case, it was right after they'd done a stream where they'd taken done a commission for me: 


I was feeling super generous, and so I started doodling. 

I knew that I wanted it to be a sequence, but I didn't want to boot open the animation program, so I gave Procreate's animation functionality a try.

It's kinda garbage.

For starters, Procreate does that really stupid thing that illustration software does, where each layer is an animation frame, rather than having a timeline of animation layers. This is stupid limiting because if you want to add something to that "animation layer," like shadows or highlights,  you need an entire suite of illustration layers, not just the one new animation layer.

I later found out how to get around this by creating groups of animation frames comprised of layers (check the dropbox for another sequence), but its still utter garbage compared to a dedicated animation program.

I really wish people would stop trying to push illustration software as viable animation alternatives until animators start doing that themselves, because its really frustrating and keeping the actual animation software (rough animator and Callipeg, on iPad) out of the spotlight it deserves.

Back on topic, once I realized my limitations, I decided to keep it short and sweet. A four panel sequence is great for Twitter, and so that's how I decided to keep it. 

...I feel like there should be more to say, but, for once, there really isn't....


I kinda wanna do more of these, in a similar vein to the mimic piece from last year with Abby. Maybe I should take suggestions?

What do you think?
Let me know in the comments! 

Your feedback lets me know how I'm doing!
Thank you for your continued support and patronage, and I'll catcha over yonder!





This is a lovely bunch of Bose drawings <3

Trevor Bond

Got a bit lost in the technicals, but I think I get the gist of it. Seems like a dedicated animation program would, you know, have better tools so I don't know why you'd push an illustration program for it lol. Still, you seem to have located workarounds and gotten what you wanted out of it! It's a nice sequence and flows from one to the next logically and well!