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As you may/may not know, my mobile workstation laptop is currently in the shop getting repaired after a particularly nasty crash loop. Not wanting to be without a mobile device for drawing, I impulse bought myself an iPad Pro (I didn’t get myself anything for my birthday or Christmas last year, nor did I plan to this year, so I think it’s fine).

^note: not being without a mobile device doesn’t mean I can’t art. It just means I can only art when I’m at my desk, which is something I’m very uncomfortable with.

I haven’t been the biggest proponent of the iPad because it’s not a full fledge computer. In addition to not being able to run my desktop apps, the ability to export and manage files as a working professional is still a bit of a nightmare (I really wish I could segment Saunter into folders in case I want to share SFW, but every app and system assumes you’d want to show EVERY piece of artwork, whether it’s appropriate or not).

That being said, I’ve found a few fun painting and animating apps, and so I’m trying to break them in.

A bud of mine mentioned being unsatisfied with a commission they’d gotten, so I took a shot at their characters doing a thing they’d been wanting to get for a while. The app is “IbisPainter X,” and I really like it. Not as abstract as procreate, with a more intuitive brush. The one downside is that its gallery system has no organizational features, because, again, it assumes you’d want to share/publicize everything and that there’s no need for organization.

What do you guys think?

I’m admittedly not in the best place for posting atm, because, to be honest, I think you guys are the only ones who care about my stuff. I love arting, but I’m starting to hate posting because it takes away from drawing and animating and the reactions (or rather, lack thereof) aren’t really worth the time it takes to post in places other than Discord or Patreon, where I know peeps actually care.

But if I don’t post, you guys don’t get to see it, sooo....



(Also, Ima try to attach the process video, but its kinda janky on iPad, so if I don’t/can’t, check Discord!)

Catcha over yonder!




Trevor Bond

I'm sorry to hear you're finding the posting part unrewarding. Unfortunately, 2020 has numbed a lot of people to a lot of things and I've found many people even find logging on to their email too much effort lately. You're still appreciated though! It's a pretty good piece, especially given that you're still working this program in. It's very cute!