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 A certain @BoxCatDrawings 's Bozlion saw fit to disagree with Doctor Saunter, in regards to bed rest after a migraine.   Well, a stay in the hypnoward will fix that! (the downside is impending riot of other kinksters asking for the same treatment) 

The Rant: 

So, I was chatting with Bose, and we were reflecting on our mutual tendency to push forward when we should be resting. In their case, they had a migraine and their computer was busted. Naturally they felt super guilty. As their friend, though, I was super insistent that they rest while their computer was done. Then Bose mouthed off to me.

So I got kinky.

The fun part discoursing on a tablet PC is that its pretty dang easy to just flip the screen over and doodle what you really wanna do to your friends. The downside is that, if you're here, you're probably insanely jealous of da floof lion and even more likely to mouth off to me in the future.


 What do you think?
Let me know in the comments!
Your feedback lets me know how I'm doing!
Thank you for your continued support and patronage, and I'll catcha over yonder! 




Trevor Bond

Lol! Yeah, I won't be doing so. Anyone tells me to rest and poof, I'm in bed so fast I cause sonic booms!

Kiwi Kink

Nicely done :)