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So, I was writing up the rant for another post, when ^That showed up. Needless to say, I'm a little concerned?

To be honest, its something that's kinda been hanging over the head of this Patreon, and others like it for a while, and I always knew I was skirting the rules, posting like I have. Its not unique to Patreon, nor is it unique to my Patreon, and I kinda figured something like this was coming as long as I pushed the limits of what I could post. I figured I'd be okay for a bit longer though.

What got to me was three fold:

1.) The animation I'd uploaded was comparatively tame to some of the others I've posted before in the past (one of whom disrupted my entire posting schedule on DA while I created a preview for it, because I knew it wouldn't slide on DA). Heck, it was tame compared to a WiP in a previous post where ...well, that brings me to my next point.

2.) I think it was something in the body of the rant that I was writing that triggered the warning flag. Something specific to the action being performed in the animation (I'm not saying what it was because I don't want to trigger the warning flag again). As mentioned above, I've posted weirder, and no matter how I changed the title, the warning kept coming back.

3.) The flag triggered before I'd even finished and published the post. The reason I even noticed it was because, one second it wasn't there, and the next, there it was. That's a little creepy, because, until I finish writing what I'm going to write, there's no way for anyone to know the actual context of what I'm writing and why I'm using the specific wording I chose. I'm not really one to argue "Thought police" and or censorship; Patreon is a private platform, you need rules on platforms like these, and content like mine skirts a line I knew existed before I signed up. But also, I'd like to have ACTUALLY crossed that line before getting a warning about having crossed the line.

The thing that gets me isn't just that I will probably have to change how I upload content to patreon... Either:

  • Post a preview and attach the image to the post
  • Post it to dropbox with a link in the post

Both of those seem futile, given that I still post the same content to my other sites, and Patreon monitors those as well, making Patreon/Gallery-exclusive promo images counter-intuitive and counterproductive. but I'll adapt.

The thing that gets to me is not really being able to rant about the stuff I make for fear of triggering the warning bot. I really enjoy talking process, and I know a lot of you guys enjoy reading it, and I'd hate to stop doing it. It also helps that it adds an element of exclusivity to the Patreon posts, as well. But, aside of moving the rants to a patreon-exclusive Discord channel (something I've been considering, for my own mental sanity), I don't really know what else to do. 

And this is before we even get into tags, which are necessary for post organization and retrieval (god knows how much I hate searching for other people's content because their tags are a mess, and you can only go back so far on Patreon before it breaks), but also a really easy way to find out what's breaking ToS and community guidelines.

Me? I'm gonna sit on this for a bit, and try to get caught up on some of the more public posts you guys have missed. Let me know what you guys think in the comments.



Kiwi Kink

I am so sorry you've had to deal with this. I am always worried that those I support who do more adult work are going to be dinged like this, and those who have and moved to alternative platforms (like Skelebomb), don't seem to get the same support they did here. I will follow no matter what you choose to do, dropbox or discord, I just fear it will limit your ability to expand more. Patron is a site with high viability, but it seems having those eyes comes with a cost :(

Trevor Bond

Um.... wait, the warning comes up before you even finish? So, it monitors for certain phrases ahead of time and flips regardless of context? I get they like to automate a lot of these processes and all, but damnit, give someone a job and have human eyes on this stuff. A delay on posting so a moderator can make a judgement call might not be so bad, right?! Geez.