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Happy Bunday!
Abby gets a new outfit to go with the meme! Of course, because its Abby, she also get a few restraints-I mean "accessories" to go with her new outfit! 

Alt. versions:

No Pasty version:

Classic bunsuit:

The Rant: 

To be honest, I didn't really have any plans for Easter, or bunny suits. Well, at least, not initially, 'cause, obviously, here we are. Holidays don't really do it for me anymore. I get my kicks from making stuff, putting it out in the world, reaping the rewards, and then working on the next thing. I'll take advantage (obviously), but state/religious holidays (as opposed to personal holidays, like birthdays and weddings) don't really mean much to me.

This was doubly so this year, because I'd already done "Abby in a bunny suit" last year:

And, of course, this, for the irony of the "rabbit" getting chased by the "carrot:"

If you're wondering why she's hopping away, take a look at her bum. She obviously didn't get away:

Now, granted, its always amazing to see what difference a year (and color) makes, but its better to push for new concepts built off the old, rather than redoing the old just to see what you can do better now.

So, what changed?

The reverse-bunny suit meme.

To be honest, its not something I really get, (even though it still titillates me enough to do art of it), other than the novelty of turning the bunny suit on its head. If I had to guess, its the idea of the limbs highlighting the torso (and its inherent appeal, given that the torso is connected to the breasts, genitals and butt) as well as the tease of having the nipples, vagina and penis hidden behind pasties/a thong/a cock cage.

But more importantly, its something I haven't done with Abby, so why not?

To start, as usual, with key poses:

To be honest, there are only four main poses:

  • Neutral
  • Launch
  • Air-time
  • Fall

And they loop together. However, for these keys I went a little further.
Also, I didn't stop to save an initial version of that particular loop. That loop normally looks more like this (from an upcoming Pauline loop):

This is partially, because I've don a lot of hop loops over the years, so I knew what to look for in terms of timing and posing. I also knew, from memory, what secondary poses I'd need, like an anticipatory crouch before the leap, and a shock absorbing crouch after the landing.

From there, I made the mistake of building assets on top of what I already had,

...rather than breaking down what I had into assets. This is a bad idea you're trying to construct flow on top of what's already there, rather than using what's already there to enhance the flow. 

Basically this:

When I realized this, this meant scrapping the assets I'd started building in the grayscale version above, and starting cleanup from scratch. Once that was done, I then went in and filled in the inbetweens to create a cleanly-animated rough pass. Basically the above, but filled in:

From there, I could just clean up assets at my leisure (which some of you guys caught on stream yesterday!)

I like where this is going, and what its teaching me about animation, specifically digital animation, since I've always had problems with "really good rough animation, but OH MY GOD, CLEANUP IS GOING TO BE A PAIN." 

That being said, ...

I wish I'd done the ears WITH the body, instead of after the fact. I was relying on my own memory and process for overlap and secondary action, rather than planning it out with the animation, and it kinda shows, when you compare how dynamic the 2019 animation's ears are with the 2020's. Not something anyone who isn't an animation aficionado is going to notice (or something that couldn't be dismissed as either a stylistic choice on my side, and nitpicking on theirs), but its a very slippery road until EVERYONE notices. Plus, its emblematic of a flaw in the art process, which bleeds into everything else.

The other thing is that this needs more transition inbetweens between the major poses. This isn't so bad for when she goes from crouching to leaping, or falling to landing, but its very noticeable in the boobs, where they pop from hanging to "against her chest" to "shooting off into the sky" in the transition from leaping to floating to falling. You can also see this in her main "back hair bangs" as well. It basically pops into place. It's not a dealbreaker, but I can see this disrupting my workflow going forward, and I shutter to think about how I'll deal with more complex animations in the future (rather than short loops), if this continues to be a problem.

On the upside, this process allows me to do "alternate" costumes, because I'm just switching what part of the asset that's being referenced on the main timeline. Versions like:


and classic bunny suit:

Granted, this only works in situations where the animation would be mostly unchanged. If Abby was wearing her pajamas from this:

... the physics would be different enough to necessitate a whole new animation (since you can't see the boobs, and her character acting would have to change to avoid tripping over her nightgown, in addition to being restricted by it as well). 

there's also the time issue, which is why there isn't a bunny hood, or fluffy bunny version of these.  Between my day job, my SFW content, and taking care of my non-artist life, there's only so much time for these things.

Either way, I think this bun is done, but there're a few more planned for this week. I wonder how I'll make next year different from this year....

 What do you think?
Let me know in the comments!
Your feedback lets me know how I'm doing!
Thank you for your continued support and patronage, and I'll catcha over yonder! 




Kiwi Kink

Great work on this, all the effort you put into this really paid off. The rhythm of Abby's hop is just on point, and I loved watching this come together on stream. Kudos!

Trevor Bond

Lovely! The costumes are adorable and I really didn't see this coming, but should have lol. Her petgirl poise looks fantastic!