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A tweet from a while back asked for kinky sleepwalking/drowsy doodles, and I had to do one better, so yeah, now sleepwalking is one more thing Abby is susceptible to (among MANY other things)!  
(its a kinky hypnosis variant, so sue me!) 

Process Gif/Alt. versions:

(nekkie version)

The Rant: 

So, sleepwalking was one of those things I'd never really thought about kinking up. The closest I've ever come was this doodle of Colette, by Psuede on Deviantart:

But then I saw a tweet asking for kinky versions, and I couldn't resist the challenge!

There's something kinky about being half-awake/asleep reminiscent of hypnosis. Yeah, the arms are kinda cliche at this point (apparently its a myth that sleepwalkers do this; I assume its because the actors who had to do this with their eyes closed/near-closed in early film needed some way to make sure they wouldn't accidentally hit things while walking), but its all part of the fun, yeah?

As for the animation, Its mostly a puppet rig of Abby's upper body, upon a walk animation of her legs. That being said, eagle-eyed viewers will note that the entire upper body isn't only one shape:

In addition to excuses for Boob-jiggle, this is because nothing in animation is completely uniform. Even if Abby were in shape (torso joggle, when not obscured by her boobs) , bald (hair jiggle), and flat as board (boob jiggle), there'd still be overlap from her arms and hands not being completely in sync with her torso and legs. To not have that would make her very robotic, and not in a good way.

And yep, just like a lot of my alternate animations, there is a nude alt, because why not? 

That being said, I think the clothed version covers up some of the jank in her walk. She probably either needed more inbetweens, or a greater symbol breakdown of her outstretched and bent legs (with symbols for her thighs and calves individually, rather than as one shape throughout). but what's done is done, and we gotta move on!

 What do you think?
Let me know in the comments!
Your feedback lets me know how I'm doing! 

Thank you for your continued support and patronage, and I'll catcha over yonder!




Kiwi Kink

I think you did a great job bringing an unusual concept to life, bringing your very distinct touch and style to the piece. I really like all the little details, like the drool and the jiggles, really brings the animation to life :)

Trevor Bond

Nice work! Not a common idea, but you did it very well! I don't have much else to say to that though.