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Squirm, squirm as much as you can;
You can't escape without a good plan! 

The Rant: 

This was a lot of fun, and surprisingly more and less work than I thought it'd be! 

The thing about leaving Abby in some kind of peril at the end of these comics is that it provides a great starting spot for these loops. Still, I couldn't help shake the feeling that I've done a loop like this before so I twisted the perspective a bit.  I think the closest I've come is the tickle game over (same spread eagle pose), but better safe than sorry, right?

the base animation was pretty easy (its three poses) but the hard part was sprucing it up so it didn't feel too limited. I think limited animation has its place when there are hard limits on the tech  and/or if its stylistically appropriate, but if its holding the animation back from being properly appreciated, you should hold back on it. 

So, how to spruce it up? Well, breathing animations during the "rest" period, and wiggle animations during the struggle period. Not too difficult; just use motion tweens to simulate breathing, and wiggle the symbol pieces back and forth during the struggle.

The main thing that stuck out to me was the goop texture. Something I sometimes forget (and a lot of kink/peril illustrators as well) is that unless you want your goop to form a perfect latex skin on top of your victim, there should be imperfections in the texture that remind the watcher that the victim isn't wearing a latex bodysuit. Things like rivers of slime, or pools of the stuff. Normallly, this would be a pain for traditional animation, but for symbols? Not so much. This could be a problem if the slime was running evenly, but since its implied to not be so, not so much.

Still, animation cleanup will never not be a pain to me, because I personally find it boring, especially if the animation is already really clean. It can't all be fun!  

 What do you think? Let me know in the comments! Your feedback lets me know how I'm doing! Thank you for your continued support and patronage, and I'll catcha over yonder!





Yeee! I felt the goo effect on this one came out goooooooo(d)! With just enough defining on the nipples to make sure they don't blend in with the drips at that! I'm a BIG ol sucker for gloop texture, stretching adhesiveness (including with thick globs/sheets!), and this animation hits a lot of good buttons. That butt shake though...hnnngggh! Great touch!

Kiwi Kink

So squishy!

Trevor Bond

Must be a heck of a thick skin of slime to keep Abby's boobs from bouncing too much! The texture does look good though, and the ones that come to mind are Nabby's tickle thing, and the vacbed one. Sorry I'm not too chatty today.... tired.