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  • Some day I'll get back to having finished work for early access, but, unfortunately, for now...
  • Finished! with Process Gif!


 Abby eschews the safety of the town of Bonnefant, and decides to camp in the wild.... to her peril!
Part 1!... of...? 
Original idea by Heron Angel on Deviantart

Process Gif/Alt. versions:

The Rant: 

Part ....1?

Yeppers! We're gonna do a long-form story for once!

Some context:
A while ago back, I was feeling really horny and bugging my friend Heron Angel (see link above) for some good old AbbySmut. Note: Heron doesn't take payment, so I really was reduced to just begging. She obliged, and the result was so good, I had  to adapt it.

Note: you can read it here, if you're interested, and/or want advanced spoilers on what happens to Abby (as if you can't already guess) 

Also, putting out a call: if you know somewhere where writers can post explicitly NSFW smut and have it read/seen by a willing audience, pleas sound off in the comments? Its an ongoing problem for both Heron and myself in that even if DA doesn't pull her stuff for poking the prudes, no one reads it anyway because no one likes to read. 

Back to this comic:
So, yeah, we're gonna do a multi-parter. Paradoxically, that's why the Abbycapers are standalone; so I have the freedom to do multi-part stories whenever I want. No worrying about continuity; just do the story and then get back to your regular halfling napping.

The hard part is figuring out what to adapt, what to condense, and what to cut out. For example, in the actual story, Abby not only checks out Bonnefant from a distance, but expresses distaste for the local adventurer's guild and its guild leader Amber in particular, as foreshadowing. Here, well... I've only got so much space (especially without panels). And without dialogue (no I have no plans to introduce it, since you guys' depictions of Abby are way more interesting), simply showing Amber's face would create way more questions than it'd answer, so I just condensed it to some disgust on Abby's part (implied to be with the town as a whole for reasons you'll have to speculate on and make up) and kept moving.

The other hard part, going forward, is going to be figuring out how to slip smut/damsel-in-distress into neat/concise enough chunks between the quiet bits that there's theoretically some of each in every strip. The unfortunate reality is that most non-patrons don't care if there aren't any boobs or distress, so quiet moments of pondering don't tend to do well socially/financially, so there needs to be some of it in every strip.

For example, this strip could have ended on the cliffhanger of Abby almost being slimed and fleshed out her reasons for not going into town (with the following strip starting with her sliming), but that's not what you guys are here for, so she gets slimed, and the cliffhanger is less to do with her distress and more with your knowledge (as an audience) that these comics don't usually come in "parts."

So, yeah, I'm saying that "pacing" is gonna be hard.

The other thing you might have noticed is that Abby's moaning is now vocalized! One of the things I've realized (or rather learned to accept and publicly vocalize) is that gagged moans are a bit of a turn-on for me, and something I'm still a bit embarrassed about admitting. But the AbbyCapers are about my kinks and things that turn me on, so in they go. It'll be akin to the vocalizations of a Nintendo protagonist; clear enough that you know they have a voice and defined personality, but not so much that there's actual dialogue because this was painful to sit through, as delightful as Mr. Martinet is in person. 

 So, yeah! We're doing this! I'm hoping it'll be a fun ride, implicitly flesh out Abby and Amber a bit more, and shine some more spotlight on Heron Angel's writing, who you should totally check out! (it helps that it gets me out of having to think of new perils for Abby for a month or two)

 What do you think? Let me know in the comments! Your feedback lets me know how I'm doing! Thank you for your continued support and patronage, and I'll catcha over yonder!




Kiwi Kink

Oooh, this is good, and kudos for adapting Heron's story. I wish I could give some advice on good places to post rude stories, but DA is the only real place I've posted and built a base (which always was small, reading is more active than seeing a picture, so you have to work at it to know if you liked a story whereas a picture you get that immediate emotional reaction). Its not easy, and I lament how many good writers have given up on their smut due to the lack of readership. There must be better sites, but I've not found them :(

Trevor Bond

Looks like a strong start, and you have chosen well what to edit out and include. The story seems fun (I'll read in small chunks as the comic progresses unless I get really bored some evening), and a good match for your usual style. I wish I had some advice on posting locations, but sadly I can't say I do... I've never posted my material anywhere but in emails to people I want to read it, to date. Hopefully there's SOMETHING out there, but if there isn't... someone's gotta make that. Reading is a dying art! Also, I like how Abby can use her own boob as a pillow, now THAT is a well stacked halfling! lol! Keep up the good work and Happy New Year!


If you're looking for a place that'll not ban you because you used -words-, admittily FA and Pixiv are your only two bets, and the former is still "Images first, text second", but I used to do story uploads there for a time myself! Pixiv has a secondary area for stories, so it's easy for them to be burred and lost, more so by English readers at that. I've got an area on my Discord for that, and I would vote you guys to do the same as well! Otherwise it's a hard spot ATM! But you be doing the good kink, and glad you and your friend are clicking so well on this story beat!