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Man, even out-of-body, #AbbyNeverWins! First, she loses her ghost-clothes! Next, she gets cursed with chains (and a ballgag) of regret! Then she runs into Nabbigi?! What a way to go! 

Happy Halloween!

The Rant: 

So, initially, I wasn't really planning to do anything for Halloween. My current schedule isn't really allowing me to plan ahead as far as I really should, and holidays don't really do much for me, outside of what they do for my immediate family. But I saw so much art that I decided to dig out my mobile workstation (that I recently got fixed up to standard) and make a thing for Halloween!

For this one, well, obviously, I was influenced by Luigi's Mansion. In a stroke of genius, the game comes out on Halloween, which is fitting. I've been a fan since the second game, which was fun in its own right without the caveats that come with the first game's initial novelty and age, and I was excited for another game by the same team. The cool thing however, is that Luigi now has a goo clone named "Gooigi" (with a "G" on his cap), and how fitting would it be for Nabby to assume the role of Lu/Goo-igi? Also, I figured it would be an interesting inversion of the normal protagonist/antagonist role, with the sympathetic Abby being hunted by the antagonistic Nabby!

As for Abby in chains (and a ball-gag), well, it didn't feel perilous enough for her to simply be in the process of being sucked into a vacuum cleaner, and I didn't have enough confidence (in the time I had) in my ability to convey the idea of either the suction or energy tethers restricting Abby in a suitably bondage-y way. So I went back to the idea of ghosts in chains, and specifically Jacob Marley from "A Christmas Carol." And, of course, a ball-gag, because kink defuses the tension and sympathy you might feel for Abby being sucked up by Nabby.

I also, learned how clipping masks work in Photoshop!... just in time for them to be useless, since both Abby and Nabby are monochrome in this one, by default. I didn't go with my normal inking and coloring process because I didn't have the time; I pulled some time from work to get this done, which isn't the smartest idea when you're drawing NSFW at the place where I work. Luckily, I have my own office and private time at lunch, so I was able to do my old monochrome coloring style in Photoshop, rather than taking it into Animate for inks and colors like I do now. 

I mention clipping masks because I don't like the idea of traditionally painting anymore. I like cel-shades and noir-ish spot blacks, and I also have a demanding schedule that forces me to find as many shortcuts as I can. Clipping masks allow me to do the work of lighting and shading, and  then just dropping in colors as I feel like. It still needs some work (with a more varied pallet) but I like having more tools and mastery in my toolkit!



Kiwi Kink

Great work, I think this turned really nicely, and I love Nabby's cap :D

Trevor Bond

I think, given the situation, I'd be fine with Abby getting vacuumed up. I mean, it's not like she's being blasted to ethereal particulate matter! Mummified in tape seems a lot tighter than 'currently occupying a vacuum cleaner tank'. Some lamps, a cushion or two, maybe a throw rug, I'm sure it could be a nice little place! Edit: The transparency effect is nice, but Nabby's legs look a little stick-like.... Almost like she's running around in a puppet's body lol! Still, excellent work!