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  • Currently just line art: will update with colors this evening. Sorryyyyyy!
  • added finished illustration, process Gif, and Rant


Bose's  Fem!Bozlion learns the hard way that nothing in life is free, especially that slinky black number just sitting on a bench waiting to encase its victi-I mean, show off its wearer's curves!
Fem!Bozlion! belongs to Bose, and is used with permission!

Process Gif:

The Rant: 

This was a lot of fun, and, I think, some of my best line work so far!

I'd been meaning to do something with  Bose's avatar OC for a while, due to how much fun they seem to have both drawing the character, and the scenarios the character gets into, but the problem is that Bose (the OC) is mostly a sub and normally male. For the sub thing, someone needs to be the "antagonist," and if its not Abby ("Abby never Wins"), then it usually has to be the other character, which can rub weird if canonically the character would never antagonize Abby. There are exceptions, but its generally easier to just use an antagonist OC instead. 

As for the male thing... well... I've come to learn that there's a lot of LGBTQ fans of Abby, and I've never really been a fan of mass media's tendency for women to tease queer for fun, but at the end of the day identify as straight. I know that sexuality is a spectrum, but most internet peeps like a binary, and so its very hard to get an audience to realize that a character can be bisexual. 

Similarly, because I'm into bondage/DiD, the optics of male characters dominating Abby is very uncomfortable because while some peeps can separate the fantasy from the allegorical a lot can't, especially when the subject matter is "mature." And especially on the internet.

As such, I'd rather play it safe and have Abby only appear with women, rather than imply that she's a bi-curious leaning straight woman whose creator has issues with women.

And while honestly, there are no consequences for going the other way (Abby being dommed by dicks), I believe two things:

  • Authors do have a responsibility for what their audience takes from their works.
  • People in general have a responsibility for how future generations will think of them. 

I do feel a responsibility for the part of my audience that has issues separating DID/BDSM fantasy from real life, as well as what my work will say about me in the future (LGBTQA ally? or LGBTQA convenient grifter?), removed from the context of now. So, yeah, normally no dudes domming Abby (that's what Scoops is for).

On the flipside, while normally canonically male (hence the Fem! qualifier whenever referring to their female form), Bozlion is also gender-fluid, which is a lot easier to portray in fiction than IRL. And as soon as I saw this tweet from Boz, I knew I had to make it happen. So when I had an opportunity during Nabtober, I knew I had to take it.

As for the actual art itself, I'm really proud of the lineart! Bose's bimbo curls make for great panel transitions! I'm still working on making them as seamless as possible. That being said, the colors reveal that lineart falls a bit flat towards the end of the page, where there is no background. A lot of that is being pressed for time; I'm still behind, so hard decisions had to be made, but I think it still works.

Speaking of color; oh hey, another damsel with a pre-dominantly purple color scheme! And just like last time, I swear, it wasn't intentional, and it didn't occur to me until I started coloring! Luckily, just like last time, the colors happened to be varied enough that it wasn't a problem, and I do like the gradient from pink to purple.

Sadly, this is the last time, as a certain fox maid has a problem with a certain spot that won't come out!

What do you think?
Let me know in the comments (it really helps me gauge how I'm doing), and thank you for your continued patronage!




leaving her eye exposed in the second to last frame (if frame is the right word) is a nice touch

Trevor Bond

Nabby starting to build a trap list based on Abby's tastes is she?

Kiwi Kink

Really loving these Nabby adventures :D

Trevor Bond

I agree with you that artists and authors do have some responsibilities to themselves and what people will think of them. To a point anyways. Sometimes you just have to tell the story because it's how you have to tell that particular story. Still, when you DON'T, awareness is a good thing, and I think you're doing very well!

Kiwi Kink

Okay, I've now had a chance to read your "Rant", I have to say I understand and pretty much have similar feelings. My writings mostly deal with women on women, one because male captors often came across creepier than I wanted (it was probably fine, but I couldn't shake that perspective), and two it game me a chance to have a role-reversal at the end where the heroine ties up the villainess (I try to keep actual violence to a minimum even in my more action orientated stories). Now I will never say my girl on girl action was anything other than fetish fuel, I did always keep one eye on keeping my stories queer friendly or at least respectful, because it takes nothing away and can add so much. Its good to see you express similar ideas from your own perspective, and I think you are making the right moves here.