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Mayor Pauline aquires a mysterious mask from the Mushroom kingdom! How will this mischievious mask mislead our magnanimous mayor? 

The Rant:

So, I saw this piece by Imadeej on Twitter, and I HAD to do a Pauline riff myself.

The thing is, you guys know how "extra" I am. I couldn't just do a doodle; that kind of fidelity is just not my thing. You know what is my thing? Animation! (surprise, surprise)

Sidebar in regards to subject matter:
You might be wondering why you don't see as much "Pauline" as one would expect from a fanartist. That's kinda because Pauline isn't quite as "versatile" as the other Mario Princesses. She's only associated with a single location (New Donk City), doesn't associate much with the main cast (unlike Daisy and Waluigi for Peach, Luigi and Wario respectively), and isn't implied to travel much (unlike Rosalina, who can turn up anywhere in her TARDIS-I mean, "Cosmic Observatory"). So situations involving Pauline that don't take place in NDC tend to feel "contrived" rather than "organic." 

That's also why I didn't do more with the "Shygal" concept beyond just the mask (in addition to not having a lot of time to work on this). It requires additional context to understand the kink, whereas all the major beats of this animation (the mask latching on, Pauline fighting it and going limp, the glowing eyes) are pretty self explanatory without being so "extra" that it takes you out of animation. Also, didn't have time to do more than this (i.e. a wardrobe change and/or additional actions) AND have it loop properly.

At least Daisy and Rosalina have the excuse of being friends with Peach and the randomness of Mario Party. I'm gonna try to rectify that because this was fun, but it is what it is.

Back on topic:
So yeah, if I was gonna do this, it was gonna be an animation. I'd kinda already had the storyboards in my head, which helped immensely. I decided to go through a series of poses with minimal animation on each pose. To help with the "'minimal animation' on each pose" break Pauline down into a flash puppet with each limb (and certain extraneous elements like the hair and boobs) being its own symbol. You can see the overlap pieces in the gif below.

The other thing that doing puppets allowed me to do is simply focus on cleaning up once the animation was establisted and perfected. That being said, that much overlap is information overload, so I also filled the puppet parts with corresponding grays to make my life easier. It also helps that the various grays could be substituted with her actual colors when it came time:

the hard part was actually the lighting. In clothing with folds, keeping said folds, along with shadows, highlights and the like consistent is a gigantic pain. Not only does the lighting have to be consistent with its previous (and future) frames, but it also has to be consistent with the other elements on screen (i.e. the boobs have to be consistent with the torso, which also has to be consistent with the thighs). I think it worked out though!

What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments, and thank you for your continued Patronage!



Trevor Bond

Pauline actually has strong ties to Mario thanks to her original appearance: Donky Kong! They've known each other since before Mario ended up in the Mushroom Kingdom, and since she's part of that world now she probably has met his cast of characters, but been a little more um.... well, sane about her career choices, lol. Edit: Also, the technical end is a bit beyond me yet, but I did want to point out that the loop makes it look like she has a memory wipe and keeps going 'Huh, a mask, what's this for?', then getting masked, then dropping it... and picking it up again lol. That's one very trolly shymask!


I know right? Something I'm coming to appreciate about my own work is how open to interpretation a lot of it is, due to not having explicit dialogue. I couldn't do more with this loop (and I wanted to, like having her fondle herself), so I added the eye-glow to at least suggest something was happening. I like your take on it! As for Pauline being Mario's oldest friend (in a manner of speaking), that is true, but what I'm getting at is that its hard to place her in scenarios outside the context of either the Donkey Kong, "Mario vs. Donkey Kong," or Super Mario Odyssey games without suspending disbelief. (i.e. what are you doing here, without Mario?) A similar character is Knuckles the Echidna. Despite being Sonic's friend, his narrative purpose is so strongly tied to the Master Emerald and Angel Island that every other "serious" game has to contrive a reason why he would leave Angel Island to go adventuring with Sonic (usually the theft/destruction of the Master Emerald). " That being said, I think it can be done. (see my other arts with Pauline) Just gotta dedicate more time to it.

Trevor Bond

My take was always that Pauline is the only Mario girl with, you know, a life, lol. 'Thanks for the save and all Mario, we'll do lunch, but I have to further my singing career and get elected mayor of a giant metropolis, and I really can't do that while constantly being victimized by your giant turtle nemesis and huge apes, sorry. So I'm installing, you know, security on my decidedly portal-free apartment...'