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Does Abby make that dress look good? I'd hope so! Should she have checked it for magical traps beforehand? probably so, but I'd hope not! 

Process Gif:

The Rant:

So, Abby gets some clothes for once, and yet the fun is just beginning for her! 

The fun part about this is finding a way to depict Abby's distress and encasement within her new dress without having more poses to work with. Sure I could have tried for more poses, but more poses have to be smaller to fit within the space, which decreases legibility. That being said, in hindsight, I probably should have had the last pose be completely horizontal, as opposed to front facing so we can see more of the full effect of what the dress has done to her, though the second-to-last pose is pretty clear in its own right.

As for the dress itself, its pretty simple because fashion has never been an area of focus for me. As an animator and comic artist, I like my designs simple so they're easier to redraw and I can focus on the pose and silhouette as a means of character expression, rather than relying on facial emoting and design instead. Funnily enough, this dress is reminiscent of Abby's first design (if you check back in the dropbox archives), albeit with a short skirt instead. 

I chose not to have it fully encase her because I like the contrast of having bits of her still be visible for her future owners to identify, as well as having her face be more emotive when you can see it, rather than through artistic licence of the folds in latex.

As for the color, I chose red because it was a color we've never seen Abby associated with yet (usually her colors are brown, pink and purple), and it communicates a sense of wealth and sophistication, via its vibrancy and the usual color theory connotations of the color red (when contrasted with her skintone) that she doesn't usually get to exude. Well she doesn't get to exude them for long here anyway!

I'd love to do more of these cursed clothes though. This was fun! A Harem outfit that forces her to dance, maybe? or a Chainmail bikini that just chains her up instead! Who knows!

Let me know what you think, and thank you for your Patronage!



Kiwi Kink

Really like this one, especially the concept of being bound by your own clothing, and I think the choice of a red dress really paid off in spades. Really loving your commentaries on these pics, always find it informative to see your insights :)

Trevor Bond

She looks good in red! I don't mind the simple design myself... 'fancy' usually means 'too obsessed with money to look good' in my books. Or in comics 'an artist driving themselves slowly insane' (also called 'spiderman web syndrome'). I like leaving her eyes visible because it grants more expression. And let's face it.... she brought it on herself. I knwo that 'I got away with theft' look!