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For Shaxbert's bondage jam, Nabby decided to do something special! ...with Abby as her guinea pig, of course! How else is she to test the efficacy of her curse-goo restraints and "magic fingers?"  

The Rant:

I'd been planning to do a doodle for Shaxbert's bondage jam since they let me know about it, but like any project I have with advanced notice; I started overthinking it almost immediately and put it off. I had the idea for a looping gif for a while, but it wasn't until I needed a Thursday doodle that I went on the attack and made this.

Because I was already working on/finishing a Game-Over I didn't know I was making until I made it, it left me with little time afterwards to work on this (It actually didn't leave me with any time; I started this at 11pm at night, finished it at 2-3ish am in the morning, and didn't fall asleep until almost 4am), so I went minimalist with this. Well, as minimalist as you can be with an animation. Only two frames, with some minor tweeks (squash on Abby's flinch, and vibrating on Nabby's arm/Abby's torso and legs, minor smear between frames) to make look like a proper animation.

I also added some minor breathing animation (when Nabby isn't playing with Abby's nethers) as well and some vibration on both Nabby's arm and Abby's body so the animation would't feel static. The thing with animation is that nothing is perfectly still, even if it is inorganic. At least, not in animation, because, with the way our eyes work, when things are perfectly still in an illustrated video, the video loses dimensionality and becomes an image, which is devastating for audience reception. So Abby vibrates while squirming and breathes when relaxing. Only carefully, slowly and in shallow breathes; don't wanna give away that its a motion tween!

Normally, I don't do these kinds of animations on a Thursday. I'd prefer to do an illustration instead, because non-Game-over bondage loops force you to cycle through ideas really quickly and I don't want to end up in the same dilemma as the image sequences we don't do anymore (i.e. too much work to do proper pre-production). 

But I am partial to them, as animation becomes my public niche more and more. I wouldn't mind taking suggestions, requests, but I'd need to know there's enough support for them, and enough restraint not to abuse the request system (accidentally or deliberately) by asking for things I can't do in a timely fashion or to function as substitute for freelance requests. It also would be its own new tier; $120/yr for a looping animation is ridiculously cheap.

But for now, I do plan on sticking with colored illustrations and commissions on Thursday; 70% of my operating power, after all!

What do you think? Let me know, and thank you for your patronage!




OOOOF towards that time constraint! But the effort, even if it's 'simple' is really well worth it! If not for the DA rules, having that loincloth kinda spread away to see that gooey gunking going on there would have been delish, but this is still very yyyeeesss! Honestly gotta say I do love the Nabby situations a ton (though I mean with my interest it's kinda hard -NOT- to!) so always happy to see more of them in turn!

Trevor Bond

I can understand broadening your horizons if animation is an interest of yours. Can't say I could afford it, myself, but I work a crap job so I can't afford much lol. Still, getting a custom animation for 120 bucks a year? That's a steal!