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Lipucd's Zeta makes the mistake of confusing ChinchiNabby for Abby. It's not a mistake Nabby'll let her get away to make again!

 Zeta belongs to Lipucd and is used with permission!

You can suggest ideas for pencil illustrations here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29654409 

The Rant:

A new month brings new sketch suggestions for those at the $10 tier. Get yours in today, though be warned that, even if finished, it might be a while before it posts (at most there can be 8 postings in a given month, given the rest of the schedule).

So, one of the fun, seemingly universal conceits about Nabby's design is that its ridiculously easy to confuse her with "Abby" frrom an internal perspective, and gives "Abby" a chance to turn the tables on her captors. So that's always fun! Also, the appearance of Nabby almost always includes encasement bondage so that's fun too, though I don't plan on restricting Nabby to her natural abilities, as seen here (though admittedly before I'd fully fleshed out her conception). After all where's the fun in that?

The tricky thing with encasement (and, to a certain extent, objectification), is that its hard-to-nigh-impossible to see the victim/sub's reaction. While it can be inferred, based on their disposition going into the situation, its impossible to tell without pre-existing familiarity with the character, even with the requisite posing. After all, they could be squirming in delight, or squirming in distress, and you wouldn't be able to tell. That's why, whenever I encase someone, its either part of a sequence, or I leave a part of their face visible. Its not always appreciated, but I think it tells more than an imprint of the character's face after the fact.

What do you think? Lemme know in the comments, and thank you for your patronage!



Trevor Bond

The ability to actually see a reaction is definitely more of a storytelling feature, and I appreciate that.

Kiwi Kink

Just wanted to say, despite being pretty quiet of late, I truly have been enjoying your latest batch of pictures and appreciate the quality you put into all your work. You do awesome work.