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In exchange for getting to keep her clothes for once, Abby advertises my Patreon! Everyone wins! 

Nude Alt:


Abby (Nude-Alt):

The Rant:

So, I'd attempted something like this earlier, because I need to advertise my Patreon more often.  Despite leaving links urging Patreon support at the end of every Tweet, there are people who either don't notice or don't read the description, and thus don't know the Patreon exists. Its why I retweet 3x a day; sometimes people just don't catch it the first time. As such, expect to see this card a lot.

That being said, I wasn't feeling either of the two previous versions I'd done before. The first version hadn't been properly planned out, and relied too much on the puppet I'd made, rather than any pre-production I'd done, which left it smooth, but also not very good. The second version I did  basically resembled this version, but with a much longer stride, which was too dynamic for the action Abby was taking. So, when it came time for a Friday animation, I decided to give it another go!

This was pretty simple, as far animations go. mostly three frames, with two-four extra frames from the overlap caused by her boobs and loincloth. I considered smoothing it out with inbetweens, but I think this reads better because of the snappiness, and my recent game-over animations. I might work more like this in the future.

At first I was happy as is, but DaggerHammer (on Da), a patron, asked if there'd be nude alts for patrons. I hadn't considered it at first, because the animation ran long enough that it was around midnight when I'd finished and it was too late to add alts. I also didn't consider that anyone would want lewd alts, since this was purely a promotional piece that also happened to fulfill my animation quota. 

That being said, making nude alts was a simple matter of adjusting the existing frames, so why not? Here you go, and thank you for supporting me this April!



Syntactic Sugar

Ah! She's got belly freckles! Adorable.

Trevor Bond

Lol. Of course it WOULD be Nacha.... nice work, it has a definite attention getting movement. Good stuff! And Abby's trying SO hard! Good work... both of you! lol!


Thankies! Though, to be fair, I do consider these kinds of alts all the time, but the big question is whether or not it'd be worth my time, based on reactions or financial gain. The cool thing about Patrons, especially active/reactive ones is that they always make it worth my time! Of course, if I wasn't interested, I wouldn't do it anyway! But know other people like it too helps a lot!