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Requested by one of my $10 Patrons: Klonoa finds himself shipped off to "video-game obscurity" as punishment for failing to release another game! Will our hero ever see the light of day again?  

The Rant:

TBH, sometimes my life (and mental processes) move so fast, I forget I have a lot of backlog to rest upon whenever I'm pressed for time and ideas. I'd kinda forgotten, in the heat of starting a new day job, that I'd made a suggestion thread (for the $10 nudger pool), and they'd been gracious enough to wrack their brains for suggestions. Luckily, the memory break didn't last long, cuz here we are!

This one was interesting because its kind of hard to shove someone in a box, and still keep them visible without warping the box, or defaulting entirely to a top-down perspective. As you can see, I warped the box. Perspective's not great, but its also not the focus, so I'm fine with it. 

In regards to Klo's restraints, I like the idea of a character being shipped off in complete darkness, hence the blindfold. I was kinda torn on whether or not to keep his hat (victims don't get choices), but I didn't remember what he looked like without it, and I figured concept art of his barehead would be hard to find (see also: Sonic Characters without gloves/shoes), so he gets to keep it, rather than force me to be/get creative.

Something that's fascinating to me about my process is that, as I get better/integrate color, I'm becoming more loathe to omit backgrounds. Once the box was done, I wasn't sure what the environment should be, but then I remember that request had Klonoa being "shipped off," so I put him on a conveyor belt, added some more and there we are. 

What do you guys think? And if you're in the nudger pool, don't forget to get your suggestions in! They won't be posted for a while (I may DM you directly when finished), but I appreciate them all the same! Alternately, September is coming up; maybe start brainstorming for then!



Trevor Bond

When you start to add color and it goes from a sketch look to a more finished piece, a lack of background is just.... well, I think the term is 'negative space'. And it is kind of attention getting and empty. So filling it with something is important! Ah, video game obscurity.... he'll have lots of company at least.


Yeah, unintentional negative space is bad, and its good to fill it meaningfully.