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 Meet Nabb̷̳͊y̷̓ͅ!̴̳̿! Sentient curse, and Abby's (current) worse nightmare! She's not that bad, though! She just wan̸̲͠ẗ̸̖́s̵͍͠ ̸͕̍s̶̨̐o̵̝̽m̷̡͝ȩ̴̑ ̵̪̑h̸͖͝ủ̷͔ġ̶͙s̸̩̿.̷̝͝.̷͍̀.̵̝̾.̶̰̓ 

The Rant:

Will edit later. need sleep.



Trevor Bond

At least with Nabby there's no uncomfortable rope burns or belt marks in the skin right? Silver linings!

Trevor Bond

Lol, she seems more like a gelatinous terminator, that would be more a roundabout way to do things...