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 Meet Scoops, an adorable little guy (that being said, he's of age) who, unfortunately, is just as prone to distress and bondage as Abby (no, he's not a genderswap/alt)! I mean, look at him; don't you just want to kidnap, bind, gag and cuddle him?

Sidebar/The Rant:

I'd been meaning to make a male/male-presenting equivalent to Abby for a while. Sure, indie-art on the web is about "doing what you want/what appeals to you," but if you only do certain things, that does say something about you. That being said, male BDSM and GiD is something I would like to explore: allowing dudes to be physically vulnerable and seeing where that goes. The hard part was doodling a design that appeals to me; I'm not really a fan of super muscular macho men, nor am I fan of feminized men to the point of "might-as-well-be-a-woman, but has a bulge" (though I consider futanari/dickgirls and genderbends to be separate from feminized men and their own thing, which I also need to draw more of). The work of TightlyDoodles, Alec8ter and Bose pretty much hit me right in the sweet spot, so Scoops is born of that: not very muscular, but also not very feminine (that's what Abby's for, though that could change!). Just cute, soft and cuddly, with lots of parts to play with (whether he wants you to or not)!Some notes:

  • Abby and Scoops are, in no way, related, much less "a couple." Not alt-versions of each other, nor are they dating each other, or even know of each other.
  • Abby and Scoops probably won't show up together either, even if to be tied to each other. Mostly because Abby and Scoops exist to explore different ideas and concepts, and I don't want them to be tied to each other (pun intended)
  • Scoops will have a color pallet. Hopefully it won't take as long to find as Abby's.
  • Scoops probably has an equivalent to Gale (overbearing domme who gets his man, no matter what). However, just as finding a counter to Abby took time, so too, will findinding Scoops.

Welp! That's about it! I hope you like Scoops as much as you like Abby! 



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