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Things get sinster for   @Furrybound (on DA)'s Alex, as Mercedes sweeps her off her feet! Perhaps Abby, Lupe and Ruby could have warned her... if they weren't bound/gagged themselves!
 Lupe, RubyAlex, & Mercedes belong to FurryBound and are used with permission!

Sidebar/the Rant:

Woah! We're in color now!
Yep! For a few reasons. 

  • There's been enough fan/commission artwork of Abby with a consistent color pallet that it seems a little willfully ignorant to pretend that there isn't an "official" pallet that I don't prefer (especially since, in a self-perpetuating cycle, when peeps ask, I just redirect them to the fanart, which just perpetuates the cycle). I'm lucky that it worked out the way it did, so this is Abby's official pallet (halfling, human shortstack or Chinchilla). I'll probably do an updated reference sheet down the road for all three current versions.
  • I'm working on a consistent setup. When I first started doing SaunterWing and the AbbyVerse,  I was working on a Samsung GalaxyBook 12, which doesn't have the pen drivers to run my favorite art program, Adobe Animate. Worse, Adobe rescinded access to my favorite current favorite version of the program, cc 2017. This forced me to do the majority of work in Photoshop, which doesn't have (comparatively) easy color paint bucket tools; you might as well paint traditionally rather than dragging dropping.

    Drag/drop/color-fill/gradient/transparency painting keeps me efficient, and allows me to produce color at a similar speed to my pencil illustrations. Otherwise, I'd be a lot slower, and wouldn't be able to produce as much content as I have been.

    Since my life situation looks to stabilize within the next year (and hopefully, I can pick up a Wacom Mobile Studio tablet), I might as well bite the bullet and migrate all Abby operations to a desktop, where I have access to Adobe Animate 2017. I've been doing it for a while with Abby's animations, might as well make it official everywhere.
  • Social Media: Looking at my numbers, my art does better when its in full color. More people like it, more people comment/share etc. I'd resisted giving in because, first/foremost, my mental/emotional health comes first, until such point where SaunterWing is supplementing my income (its not, though I AM grateful for the patron support and commissions), and I didn't want to stress myself out.  But, combined with the two above reasons, its time to pull a "Frieza" (from DragonBall Z) and tap into more of my "true power."
  • Which ties into the below:

Process Gifs?

Since I'm working in Adobe Animate, which is a multimedia tool primarily used for animation, I can stack different layers of process on the timeline, one after the other, to create a process gif. Not quite the same thing as a speedpaint, but close.

I used to do it all the time for my SFW content, but there wasn't much interest (and setting up SWF loops/apps was a pain in the ass), so, when I realized that, I stopped. However, last night, one of the Nudge-pool patrons, KiwiKink, expressed an interest in the process, so I exported a gif for them (you can find it in the Dropbox). 

Is that something the rest of you guys would be interested in? It'd probably remain exclusive to Patreon.  Let me know in the comments. Its not as hard now that I'm both older, and gif publication functionality is build into Animate, but even the few minutes spent setting it up could be used for other things.

Either way, color is the new status quo for Abby! Let's see where this goes!



Trevor Bond

What I always say to an artist is: you do you, I support you because you make decisions I like. I do like the color, and the gifs you've done in the past are excellent. Seeing the layers is neat, but since I'm not an artist it's of limited practical value to me..... but, still, I do like seeing the process!

Kiwi Kink

I really like the process gif, but I also don't want to create extra work for you if I'm the only one interested :(