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Hey everyone!

Just a reminder to keep your suggestions short and simple. 

For the past months I've noticed this trend in suggestions in which a lot of prompts consist of a series of actions.  For example, a very common suggestion I've seen is "[Character A] wearing [x] and [Character] B [reacting]; and then [Character A] and [Character B] do [thing]".

This can often result in a very creatively restricting situation. For me it's very common to feel like every month I'm drawing the same scenario but with slight variations. 

So! Remember to keep your suggestions short and simple!

For example: 

"May surprising a stuttering Bridget by wearing an elf costume; Bridget reacts by blushing intensely and then they kiss passionately under the mistletoe. (Guilty Gear)"

As you can see, the prompt above consist of three different actions. The specificity of the request also severely limits the creative freedom I can work with. You might have noticed that these kind of prompts usually get reworded by me, normally they can't fit the text box in the poll. To avoid misinterpreting what's been suggested, I ask to please keep suggestions simple.

A simplified version of this prompt could be:
"Elf-costumed May and Bridget kissing under the mistletoe (Guilty Gear)"

This gets the idea across clearly and fits the textbox perfectly, not to mention it gives creative freedom to add extra stuff. 

Thank you for understanding!

♥ Kaban



Oh, sorry, didn't know being that specific bothered you so much. My B. I'll be sure to keep it simpler than I have been from now on!


Rewrote my suggestion, hope it's better. Sorry for the inconvenience any of my previous ones have caused.