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Hey everyone! TYSM for all your support, it means a lot, especially in these trying times ♥

Time to suggest again!


  • No more than 3 characters per suggestion.
  • For the sake of variety, the previous month's winner is out of the running for this month.
  • Keep suggestions at one sentence! (Keep it short and simple! For example: [Character A] and [Character B] in [scenario])
  • Your suggestion doesn't HAVE to be romantic!
  • Leave a like (♥) on other suggestions you're interested in! (In case of too many votes, top 10 most liked suggestions will make it into the poll)
  • Try to keep things diverse! If you see a suggestion featuring the same characters as yours, make sure it's a very different suggestion. (eg: Diana and Akko getting marrried vs Diana and Akko filing for divorce.)

Suggestions will be accepted until the poll goes up!

♥ Kaban


A. Zombie

Kaban's choice of 3 characters going on a picnic date.


Princess Daisy shyly asking Luigi out on a date (Super Mario)