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Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know starting next month I'll be updating the suggestion rules a bit. 

Previously, a ship that had won the month prior was out of the running for the next month, so for example if Korra x Asami won a poll in July, they wouldn't eligible for the August poll. However, Korra x Kuvira would still be fair game for August. 

Starting February, I'm switching the rule to apply to each individual character included in a monthly poll winner. So using the example above, neither Korra or Asami would be eligible for the hypothetical August poll. 

I have been mulling over this for a while now. In the past 5 months, Little Witch Academia has been consistently winning every poll. LWA is one of my favorite series of all time, I owe it a lot for becoming the artist I am today. But drawing it every month has made me become a bit too burnt out on it. And I don't really want that to happen with a series I love so much.

I thought of applying the above rule to the entire series, but I feel that would be a bit too harsh. So then I noticed that Akko has been a constant in every poll win for the past 5 months. I came to the conclusion that it would be fairer to add the character restriction to hopefully add a bit more variety to the poll suggestion pool. 

I hope this doesn't come off as negative, I really really love Akko and I don't want to start getting negative feelings on a character I adore.

So yeah!
Just wanted to let you all know, so be sure to keep in mind when making your suggestions from now on!

Let me know if you have any questions

And thank you for understanding.

♥ Kaban



These rules are fair, don't worry! Your mental health is important, so if you feel these new changes will help you, than we're perfectly fine with them! And I'm sure everyone who actually makes suggestions feels the same.


Thank you all for understanding!! ♥