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SPICY: Ursula in a sexy rabbit costume asking Croix if she'd like a tick or treat then they fuck like rabbits (LWA)

SFW: Sucy trying on a really elegant and pretty princess costume, blushing as she asks Akko what she thinks (LWA)

Congrats and thank you for voting!



Oh, damn, SuAkko beat Lumity! Didn't see that comin'.


Tbh next time for the sfw maybe just limit to top 10 to don’t do repeats for the same series or something because there was just so many options it kinda felt diluted


I agree with just limiting to the top ten, but I don't really mind multiple suggestions from the same series, at least if it's not the exact same scenario. Yeah, there was a lot of LWA suggestions this time, specifically Suakko suggestions, but all of them were different enough that I think it was okay letting them all into the poll. Besides, I don't think it would really be fair if say, two people suggested two very different LWA ideas, but one was rejected outright literally just because the other guy happened to post their idea first.