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Hi!  Happy new year!

I hope you're all having a grand time. Thank you for your continued support!

It's time for the first SFW suggestions of 2022!

Leave a prompt for what you'd like to see in the poll!

Like the last time, here are the rules:

  • No more than 3 characters per suggestion.
  • For the sake of variety, the previous month's winner is out of the running for this month.
  • Your suggestion doesn't HAVE to be romantic!
  • Leave a like (♥) on other suggestions you're interested in! (In case of too many votes, top 10 most liked suggestions will make it into the poll)

Suggestions will be accepted until the poll goes up!

Thank you! ♥

 Kaban ♥



Spider Akko VS. Diana Venom

Hailey S

Bev and Delle riding on a broom together, Delle is struggling to stay on (Cowboy Witch)