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Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing alright.

First of all, I have to apologize for the delay on this piece. I ended up getting carried away and making two pages of comic instead of one illustration. 

For that reason, this will have to take a couple of extra days to be finished. I am very sorry about this, I underestimated the workload and I'll try my best to finish it asap.

For now, I'll leave you both inked pages, and for those that deleted their pledge this month and won't be able to see the next one, send me an email at: bangdacy@gmail.com. Let me know which was  your Patreon name/user, I'll send you the finished comic pieces as soon as they're done.

Again, I'm very sorry about the inconveniences, and I'll do my best to avoid this from happening again in the future.

Thank you so much!

♥ Kaban

